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Comet 12P Pons-Brooks


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Just a brief window before the clouds last night, so took a quick peek to the west and glimpsed the comet.

New scope is still not adjusted for collimation / backfocus / filters / cable diffraction, but as this is something of a transient target, undergoing various outbursts from time to time, I thought it worth a go.

This is with a RASA 11 and an ASI294MC colour camera, but binned x2 in mono, over just five minutes.

Subsequently, I processed them offline in colour, just for a comparison.

I like this mode of working: EEVA is fast and easy with a smaller mono image, but you can return in higher resolution and colour later, if desired.  Best of both worlds!



Comet12PPons-Brooks09Dec23_18_37_09.jpg.b259f7c789abe5b52be8a135d25442d8.jpg Image27.jpg.0675095daa6de4d82ca14c95967b8f88.jpg


Edited by AKB
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