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The Geminids are coming!!


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Just posted elsewhere, but I’ve just had nearly an hour outside, and by eye I observed 16 Geminids. Starting at 10:36 though until 11:15, they were all either next to Jupiter, near M45, in Auriga and a few over the top of Orion. 

Best time seemed to be as I went out, I caught 7 in 5 minutes and then went to get the camera. After setting it up, the remaining 9 started from 10:57.

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Had my 3 cameras running since around 17:40 UT (still running now @ 00:05 UT although it's starting to cloud up a little) and have observed visually for short periods, sporadically, when I've had the chance. There was a nice cluster of 5 Geminids in around the same number of seconds @ ~18:25 UT, two of which were negative magnitude. Also saw a couple of bright meteors on the camera screens, so should have something at least.

Edited by Leo S
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I only really saw three over two hours, checked the cameras, one caught 7, the other 15 but obviously duplications across the two. Nothing fireball or coloured like I've seen previously, but three were nicely around M45 which would make a nice compilation.

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Can't believe the TV news is saying tonight is the night to observe. It's raining here right now!

I gave up around 01:20 last night when it got too cloudy. The cameras should have caught a few, but I also had the impression this year was lacking in fireballs (I'll have to reserve final judgement till after I've checked the footage) - perhaps other areas got them this year?!

Was hoping to set up the cameras again tonight, but I'll probably start checking through the footage from last night (around 8 hrs in tot) instead!

Edited by Leo S
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Stepped out back for a smoke just now and after I'd lit up 2 bright streaks high to the SE passed between Orion and Jupiter in a S direction. A couple mins later another low to the SE. Hadn't expected to see anything from the cloud cover earlier this evening.

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Completely clouded out last night. 13th/14th

Had a half hour gap this evening (Thursday 14th 19.00-19.30 GMT)  Saw 5 Geminids in about 15 mins , caught the brightest below Jupiter on dslr camera (10sec ISO 1600 f3.5). And also the same meteor on phone video, thought I'd just try a short handheld video as it was clear. 




Edited by scotty1
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I don't know if anyone else saw this or whether I imagined it or it was a glass distortion as I saw it at the edge of my vision. Just before midnight just under and to the right of Orion I saw two at the same time looking like they were splitting and forking toward the ground at around 45 degrees diagonally down. Was quite bright and white.

Edited by Elp
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It cleared up nicely after 9, the best ones I saw were around the square of Pegasus. Just before midnight a belter of a meteor, green flash to the eye! I caught another Gemini on the iPhone below Jupiter, a bit hazy towards the horizon tonight. 

Geminid 14 Dec copy.jpeg

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The sky cleared nicely for me around 8pm and I saw at least 10 in the space of 40 minutes, before cloud returned and my 5 month old boy awoke (presumably with fomo for the meteor shower…)

Some really bright ones too and three in one minute! Mostly in the region of Taurus and Perseus. 

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It was 10.30 pm before it cleared enough here. I saw 6 bright ones in about 45 min, all roughly in the direction of Orion. No pictures or video as I didn't think that it was worth setting up any cameras.

( I'd forgotten how relaxing it is to just sit and look at the night sky 😁 )

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