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Strong aurora predicted for Thursday night

Leo S

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The NASA model is showing a cannibalistic CME headed our way on Thursday night/Friday morning.  If you click the link and play through the sequence you can see that the prediction is for a very high (as high as I've seen before now) plasma density. Note the black line intersecting Earth (the green dot) in this screenshot:


The black line is indicating a plasma density of ~60 cm3! The storm we got on Nov 24 (edit: I meant to say Nov 05!) this year was perhaps 20-30 cm3 I think (?), so this could be significantly stronger if the prediction is anything to go by!

The only fly in the ointment is timing, which might not be great for the UK, but it's possible it could hit earlier than expected.

Edited by Leo S
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The forecast here in Cornwall has it clearing from about 5am tomorrow, so I plan to set an early alarm and check conditions before dawn in case activity starts early. Then Friday night looks clear. 

Regards, and good luck! Mike.

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Shame about the moon though !
Is this activity at ACE too early to get excited ?
Bz nicely going -ve just over an hour ago, Bt not very strong (yet?) though.
Bit of a kick now showing up on AuroraWatch magnetometers.

I've added a yellow tick for midnight



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2 hours ago, Roy Challen said:

Nothing going on in the south of England yet.

Nor at 5am. Spaceweather.com report one CME arrived after midnight, but the main event is still expected at midday our time. Going back to bed!

Regards, Mike.

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51 minutes ago, mcrowle said:

Nor at 5am. Spaceweather.com report one CME arrived after midnight, but the main event is still expected at midday our time. Going back to bed!

Regards, Mike.

Seeing as it clouded over at about 4am, in SW Hertfordshire at least, the aurora is probably blazing away now😁

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Yes, looks like we missed out this time. The ace-mag-swepam chart did show at least one very high density reading (one orange dot above 100 cm3) but perhaps that was just a false reading, as there was not anything else at that level. I was clouded out by 01:00 anyway.

Either way, there should be more opportunities to come.

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Heard a report from a radio amatuer. Lots os auroral propagation. This is when VHF/UHF/microwave signals get reflected by the ionisation in the upper atmosphere.
He told me of UK operators getting in touch with Sierra Leone on 430MHz.
To get this into context, it is a bit like you getting a TV picture from Africa, instead of your local transmitter.
There is a lot of ionisation up there tonight.

Absolutely nothing doing visually. Well actually there might be a fantastic fireworks display and I would have no idea.
Just driven home from work quite slowly due to dense fog.

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Did catch some purple on camera after 6pm, though only with some test shots. Once I’d set up to image in earnest it had faded. Think I missed the peak, but will keep an eye on conditions (of course, the gibbous Moon will not help!).

Regards, Mike.


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This was about 18:15. Not great, but the best of my captures. 14mm lens, but rather cropped to level the horizon (I hadn’t yet levelled as it was only a test shot).

Regards, Mike.


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12 minutes ago, Paul M said:

My firstvaurora image!

Taken from rural Cumbria but overlooking the bright lights of Penrith.


It's woth taking more photos, as the Aurora is ramping up on the app.....


Thick fog here. 

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