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Meade Autostar Lx90 LNT - alignment stars - Help !

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Hi. Having an issue with the alignment stars my LX90 is selecting on set up. It is an LNT model. I do not have a unobscured view of my eastern horizon. Of late my scope keeps selecting Vega and Arcturus as alignment stars. It ends up looking at the back of my house !!!:) I end up having to ask the scope to go for the next align star until it can pick one i can use to set up the scope. Is there a quick way to pre select the align stars. I know you can hit the up / down arrow keys but is there a quicker way ??? Can't c anything in the manwel ! Any idea much appreciated Thx in advance John

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Not sure whaich handset the LX90 comes with, but the ETX90 comes with the 497 autostar handset

Which allignment method are you choosing ?

On mine, if you select two star alighn, it asks you to select the stars to use

Hope this helps

If not, you could try Mike Weasners website, there is an autostar section and im sure there is an LX section

Weasner's Mighty ETX Site

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