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Vixen SX2/SXD2


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I am looking into buying a Vixen SX2 to go with my Mewlon 180c. The SX2 used to be offered with Starbook One hand controller for tracking, or with Stabook Ten for full GoTo. Now I see that on the Japanese Vixen site, and in Japanese vendor sites, The SX2 (and SXD2) are now only offered in a Wireless version. There is no hand controller and everything goes through your phone or tablet. In theory this could be a good thing, since the software contains full Starbook Ten-like capability at a price that seems to be around the old price for the Starbook One version alone. Has anyone used this Wireless only version? Does it work well? I am a little wary of switching over to complete wireless with no physical connection. But maybe it is OK. I never physically connect my computer to a network after all. I imagine that soon enough this change will come to Europe, but currently it seems still possible to buy SX2 with the Starbook One controller in Europe.

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The new SX2/SXD2 wi-fi mounts are not new at all, they are exactly the same as the originals supplied with SB1 and SB10. You can still use either wired controllers with the new wi-fi mounts. Likewise you can get the wi-fi adaptor to use with an older mount.

Edited by Franklin
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I don't have the WiFi version but there's a couple of threads on CN about it.  

It's not full SB 10 functionality, there's no ethernet port and  compatability with astroimaging software has not been fully demonstrated yet

The SXD2 mount is unchanged, but you can't buy this mount with the old SB10 any more

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24 minutes ago, 900SL said:

I don't have the WiFi version but there's a couple of threads on CN about it.  

It's not full SB 10 functionality, there's no ethernet port and  compatability with astroimaging software has not been fully demonstrated yet

The SXD2 mount is unchanged, but you can't buy this mount with the old SB10 any more

OK, thanks. So if I am purely visual and just want tracking and GoTo, this lack of ethernet port and compatibility with astro imaging software shouldn't bother me, right?

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2 minutes ago, visual3D said:

OK, thanks. So if I am purely visual and just want tracking and GoTo, this lack of ethernet port and compatibility with astro imaging software shouldn't bother me, right?

It will require a mobile phone or tablet for the interface. SB10 is great for visual tracking and goto, but I have no idea how the WiFi version measures  up as the successor. Should be cheaper than the SB10 version too

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Just now, 900SL said:

It will require a mobile phone or tablet for the interface. SB10 is great for visual tracking and goto, but I have no idea how the WiFi version measures  up as the successor. Should be cheaper than the SB10 version too

Yes, I am also wondering how it works in practice. Like you said, one can't buy SX2 with SB10 anymore, so the wireless version is the only option for GoTo now.

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Sorry to be pushing this point, but does anyone know if I buy the SX2 WL version (sold in Japan), does it also come with Starbook One controller, or is it only possible to control it with a smartphone/tablet? The information on the website doesn't mention Starbook One. I ask because for ordinary visual use and tracking I would prefer the tactile use of the buttons in the controller and not the smooth phone surface, where I would have to take my eye off the scope to change scope position.

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23 hours ago, visual3D said:

Like you said, one can't buy SX2 with SB10 anymore, so the wireless version is the only option for GoTo now.

I don't know about in Japan but in Europe the SX2 mount only came with the SB1, the SB10 was an expensive upgrade. If you wanted SB10 it came as standard with the SXD2 and the SXP2 and the other bigger mounts. SX2 and SXD2 are now sold with wi-fi and the only way to get a new SB1 is with the AP RA motor upgrade package but even that has now been discontinued as the wi-fi adaptor and smartphone APP can run the AP now as well.

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That just seems strange to me. How do they expect people to do fine motion control when viewing visually? If I want to nudge the scope a bit, I have to take my eyes off the eyepiece and look at the phone screen to find the motion button? Maybe they think everyone will be only looking at the view on a computer screen?

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Sign of the times I guess, I see your point and I agree, the StarBook One controller is very intuitive to use and you can reverse the function of each button as well so their direction matches the view in the eyepiece, neat! In-built red light torch on the back which can be dimmed right down and comes in useful.

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