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Jupiter & Io Shadow Transit 6/7th November

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Seeing decent, well, compared to what it has been (terrible) for what seems like forever! I really enjoy shadow transits, but mainly due to the weather this is only the second one I’ve observed this year. I was concentrating on visual and these images were from iPhone videos which I took just before and during the event. Seeing improved slightly as Jupiter got higher and the shadow transit of Io was underway. Wide-field using a BST StarGuider 5mm. The other two using a BST StarGuider 3.2mm which has proved surprisingly good when trying to capture Jupiter, even if visually the magnification is far too much.

Although visually I could make out Io against the SEB it hasn’t come out in the final image. Might have been more obvious when Io was nearer Jupiters limb. However, the actual shadow is clear and obvious. There’s also a “bite/notch” in the NEB which visually popped. Recently there seems to be a lot going on in the NEB. Several areas of turbulence following the GSR which could be seen visually have also come out in the images. I’ve done a double exposure/layer to get the moons. They might be a bit on the large side, but I can work on that. 

Southampton urban back-garden, Bortle 7. SkyWatcher 200p Dob on DIY EQ platform. BST StarGuider 5mm & 3.2mm. iPhone 14 Pro using no-brand smartphone adapter. Videos of around 45 seconds - 4K at 60fps plus x2 zoom, taken via stock camera app, edited using stock camera app. All processing on the phone. Stacked using the app VideoStock, WaveletCam, Snapseed and Lightroom.






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