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Some help getting started

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Hello , my dad has recently purchased a used 12 Inch Skywatcher Go-To Flex Tube and we’re struggling to get it aligned properly / setting it up . we’ve read through the instructions (and trying to get him to read instructions is a battle in its own right) and can’t seem to find where we are going wrong! first we tried the Hand control unit . we got it level -or as level as we could in our garden that’s practically all on a slope - and pointed it north. went through the co ordinates steps etc etc and all the other alignment steps and whenever we told it to go to X it just went in the complete wrong direction and orientation each time. So then we ordered a WIFI dongle and tried using the SynScan app , and more of the same happened . we tried all alignment methods and nothing worked!!! Any help is much appreciated as we’d love to get it up and running asap. 

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Starting astronomy with a 12” goto flex tube is one hell of a way to get started! 
A twelve inch Dob is a big old beast and a joy with some experience behind you. Add goto, alignment, handsets, Wi-Fi and apps and all the fun has just evaporated away.

You need hands on help in my opinion. Do you have an Astro group or club near you? 
You can’t believe how simple it can all be when helped by people with experience.

Not only that, most astronomers that get asked for help by a new astronomer are more helpful than you would ever believe. We want you to succeed and contribute.


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Not familiar with the setup, if it's like my ioptrons do you still need to use the hand controller and the Synscan Pro app connects to the hand controller via WiFi?

If that's the case, you need to be certain the date, the time (usually in UTC format, not including DST), location (check the coordinates via Google maps or something) is the same in the app (it automatically takes the info from your phone/tablet if you grant the permissions) and the hand controller.

No need to wait until night, you can do this during the day and check it's slewing by comparing the rough pointing direction against a star map like Stellarium.

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30 minutes ago, Elp said:

if it's like my ioptrons do you still need to use the hand controller and the Synscan Pro app connects to the hand controller via WiFi?

Once the WiFi dongle is plugged into the scope the hand controller is completely out of the picture and not used. The app takes the place of the hand controller. The dongle actually plugs into the HC receptacle on the scope.

Edited by bosun21
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19 hours ago, HarryM6234 said:

Hello , my dad has recently purchased a used 12 Inch Skywatcher Go-To Flex Tube and we’re struggling to get it aligned properly / setting it up . we’ve read through the instructions (and trying to get him to read instructions is a battle in its own right) and can’t seem to find where we are going wrong! first we tried the Hand control unit . we got it level -or as level as we could in our garden that’s practically all on a slope - and pointed it north. went through the co ordinates steps etc etc and all the other alignment steps and whenever we told it to go to X it just went in the complete wrong direction and orientation each time. So then we ordered a WIFI dongle and tried using the SynScan app , and more of the same happened . we tried all alignment methods and nothing worked!!! Any help is much appreciated as we’d love to get it up and running asap. 

Welcome to SGL. As others have said its best if someone is near you to help (local astro club should help).

If you can post the steps you took one by one (with details of what you entered), perhaps someone can spot where you went wrong. eg: does it think you are in Southern hemisphere?

From the manual I can see that it has 2 modes - Autotracking or AZ Goto mode so we need to know which one you followed etc.

Edited by AstroMuni
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If you can't make it work with the handset, making it work with wifi and dongles will be even harder work.

You need to enter the right data in the right format (a common source of newbie error.)

And then grasp the over-riding principle of the alignment process:

1) aligning north and horizontal gives the GoTo a coarse starting point.

2) it moves to the first alignment star, hopefully accurately enough so you can see it in the finderscope.

3) fine-tune the aim and go for the second alignment star and repeat.

4) Don't use 3-star align - 2-star is easier and will get you started.

IIRC there are alternative setup processes in the handbook, but it is probably best if you can identify a few bright alignment stars (e.g. Capella) and use those.

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Can't believe I'm going to say this, but start with the manuals, they are surprisingly helpful! https://skywatcher.com/download/manual/synscan-hand-control-and-synscan-app/

North level alignment is the easiest with the app, so level the tube manually and point roughly towards Polaris.

If the "Reset Alignment" button is available, tap on it first before starting the alignment to clear out any previous alignments.

Then start the process, firstly it'll ask you to pick some stars, then confirm it is level.

Once you move to the next step the scope will move to where it thinks the first alignment star is, bear in mind it is unlikely to get this bang on, so tweak with the arrows until it is centered, then click the star to confirm. It'll then move again.

Again, star may not be centered, so use the arrows to center (if any are highlighted you need to tap them, the last moves should always be up and right to remove backlash)

Then you should be aligned.

Another thing to bear in mind is that the scope may not go in the direction you expect, this is ok, it is just trying to stop any cables getting wrapped up round the scope.


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