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I couldn't swear to it guys, but EQMod has some meridian flip functions, I remember seeing something about 'east/west of pier' somewhere, maybe thats what you're looking for? I know the EQTour software asks if its ok to do the flip if it has to cross meridian, hopefully EQMod extends those functions and they go a little deeper than that. Failing that it might be a feature worth asking for?

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AFAIK It should still be available in the simulator, go to the properties in the ascom chooser and check for meridian flip settings. I don't think that necessarily solves your issue.

Can you guys outline a little more why it is you want a meridian flip earlier than the mount wants to give it? I'm guessing its because you know that your target will be crossing the meridian during an imaging session and would like to avoid the meridian flip, so want to start the imaging run with the scope on the correct side of the meridian? I *think* that might be related to the 'east/west of pier' setting I mentioned.


Just checked there, and if you look on the 'mount position' section at the bottom of the list is 'PierSide' I think this could be what you are looking for.

Downloading the pdf from the EQmod wiki site, on page 5 'Here are some additional notes on the pierflip option'

Only if this option is checked is the user able to set EQASCOM to perform automatic flips. Assuming

this is the case the auto flip action itself can be enabled/disabled via Limits Setup form. If enabled the

flip is applied whenever the RA limits are reached (so not necessarily at the meridian). The PC will

issue a short two tone beep sequence prior to initiating the flip to give you time to clear the area.

prepare catch falling eyepieces, cut any snagging cables and hit the emergency stop!

I reckon the red stuff is what you guys might be looking for :)

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I've checked and I can't enable the auto flip, either in simulator or connected. I do know that the park when limit is hit option works, as it happened to me the other night. I'm using EQASCOM 1.16j

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The reason I'd like to flip early sometimes is simply because I'm about to collide with the tripod. I have a pier under construction which should solve this one. I might still like to flip early just to avoid doing a flip in mid series, say half way through the green.


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Thanks Olly, always nice to know why you're running around trying to find random info for people :)

John, that's really odd, I take it you can find the allow auto meridian flip option?


As you can see its in the general options box. I'm running the same version of EQMod as you and it definitely has the option, admittedly I'm running a HEQ5 pro, but that shouldn't be an issue here.

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Thanks Reggie, I didn't see that option in the setup there. I was looking in the main EQAscom control software post connection to the scope :)... I shall certainly look for it, next time I'm out, cheers.

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I don't think that's possible with EQMOD. Clicking on the 'auto meridian flip' box will tell EQMOD to do the flip when it gets to the meridian. Not clicking the box allows the mount to track beyond the meridian (and puts it in danger of the scope bashing something!). I don't know of a way of instructing the mount to flip before it gets to the meridian. I had a quick look on the EQMOD group on Yahoo for you and this question has been asked previously and no solutions were forthcoming. This was confirmed later by Chris who wrote much of EQMOD.


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The auto flip option won't in itself cure the issue, but that and the 'ra limits' should allow you to flip when you like, I guess its a case of suck it and see. If you refer back to my post where I quoted the wiki, setting the RA limit will initiate the pier flip so it could be a simple question of setting the ra limit to wherever you need to make it flip at the right time. Granted, It doesn't appear to be that elegant.


I do appreciate that Steve has checked the yahoo group, but I wonder when the info from chris was posted to the group and whether it was before or after the 'ra limits' option was added in. the way I see it maybe working is you set the RA limit to a few arc seconds or minutes beyond your present tracking position (scuse my ignorance on the resolution of the ra limit option) and it should hit that limit and swap to the other side maybe?

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The advice from Chris was at the end of Feb - 24th to be precise - and I don't know whether there has been a further release of EQMOD since then. I was using mine last night - Version 16i - and couldn't find a specific way of doing it.

However, your workaround would be worth trying, Reggie. I assume that you would set the RA limits in conjunction with 'unclicking' the auto flip box so that it was the RA limit itself which determined when the flip occurred?

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Hi Steve, I believe we're up to version 16j now for what its worth :) I think ticking the auto flip box is needed, as I think it uses the ra limit to determine when to flip :)

if this doesn't do it I guess the weight of numbers of people that need the feature rather than a workaround might persuade the EQmod coders to implement it as it seems a very worthy feature.

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