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M 13 from Sunday


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Hi all

Sunday was clear but the seeing conditions were awful as described in my earlier post of "M 3 on a murky night". I took this shot later in the night again when M 13 was high enough to get anything decent recorded. This is one of the subjects that I have been wanting to try again as it was my first ever attempt at imaging when I still had my Meade LX200 system.

This was taken with the Takhashi BRC-250, Starlight Xpress SXVF H36 on a Paramount ME, exposures are 30x1 minute each for RGB unguided with just simple auto dark subtraction in Maxim DL, no other calibration was used. As described in my M 3 image the top and bottom of the image are croppeddue to some dark lines about a 1/6 from the top and bottom of the subframes (not sure as yet what is causing this as it hasn't happened before).

The glare round some of the brighter stars is caused by the poor seeing so it isn't as sharp as I was hoping. You can compare this with my first attempt at this subject by looking at the first image in the star cluster section of the image gallery of my website Imaging The Heavens - Home Page

Thanks for looking

Best wishes


PS - I hope you have a good star party at Mordiford later this week, I would have loved to come but I am working on both nights


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I've had a tweak at this image by removing some light pollution and background noise which allowed me to stretch the image a bit further, what do you think?

Best wishes



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