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Cepheus from the Elephants Trunk to the Fireworks

Laurin Dave

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Another Cepheus Samyang135 based mosaic,  this time from the Elephants Trunk via the Bat, Squid and Seahorse to the Fireworks.   8 hours of Samyang135ASi2600mc colour data per panel with the Bat and Squid enhanced using  5.5 hrs of Ha data from GT71QHY600 Astrodon 5nm Ha filter and 12hrs of Oiii data from Askar200ASI1600 Astrodon 5nm Oiii filter.  The IC1396 panel is colour data only.  Data was gathered back in October last year and after several processing attempts over the past year I'm finally happy with it.  Processed in  Pixinsight and Photoshop using the Croman tools

According to Pixinsight the field contains 3x NGC/IC, 8 planetary nebulae, 4Vdb, 16LDN, 95LBN, 3Sharpless and 27 Barnard objects....  I'm not sure whether they all appear on the annotation.

Image, annotated version and link to Astrobin below

Thanks for looking





Cepheus Mosaic:- The Elephants Trunk, Bat, Squid, Seahorse Nebulae and Fireworks Galaxy ( Dave Boddington ) - AstroBin

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2 hours ago, Peds said:

Really nice Laurin! How do you like the ASI2600mc + 135mm Samyang combination and how have you mounted it?


Thank you..  I really like it, goes pretty deep even in my Bortle 4/5. Processing is the key to revealing all that it has captured though,  in particular the Croman tools: Blur, Star and Noise exterminators.  As for mounting,  the camera is supported on a ZWO 90mm  Holder Ring attached to an ADM Losmandy Bar, Lens connection is via ZWO Nikon Camera adapter and the front of the lens is supported by an ADM guidescope ring.   Focus was set in September 2022!


2 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Classic! A keeper if ever there was one.


Thanks Olly, much appreciated


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