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Saturn & moons Jupiter IO transit 21st aug 2023


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14 hours ago, Mark2022 said:

Those are superb. Perhaps you can help me get even somewhat close to that? If you'd care to? 😩

Thanks for the positive comment, ive been imaging the planets for a long time now & still learning everytime i go out!😉

Good advice is always available on this forum theres always someone willing to help!

13 hours ago, Space Cowboy said:

Nice captures Simon. Always good to see a transit shadow and GRS in the same shot.

Thanks Stuart i agree although i like imaging Saturn, Jupiter is always changing which make`s it more intresting & difficult too if you get what i mean!


13 hours ago, Kon said:

Excellent images Simon. It seems you had much better seeing on Saturn as the Cassini division is nice and sharp.

Cheers Kon, The conditions were much more stable on Saturn for sure but Jupiter was jumping jack flash this end!😄

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9 hours ago, morimarty said:

They are a superb set of images Simon.The Saturns are really clean and sharp with a lovely natural cassani. I would say you're best so far. You're Jupiter shot is very smooth and subtle what a great nights work you had.

Thanks Mart, ive still got some more data to work through when i have time, so maybe another jupiter in there somewhere, i think probably my sharpest Saturns yet but be nice to get the cassini total on that front edge!


8 hours ago, orion25 said:

Crackin' images, Simon! I like the softness and texture while still revealing copious detail. Saturn is a cornucopia of colors! The GRS AND a moon/shadow transit can't be beat!

Cheers Reggie for the positive comment i agree capturing a grs transit is always a pleasing event! 

Edited by si@nite
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Simon, I've just been going through some of my captures from the same night (between about 12am and 3am on the 21st). There were a couple where I thought what I was seeing was the GRS but, on processing this one (very badly), I realised it was Io's transit. I did think the GRS was looking very dark, right enough! 😆

I used an SVBony 305c, a Meade LX10 8 inch SCT, Meade 2x telenegative Barlow, however, for this one, I'm sure it was prime focus without Barlow. I captured using AstroDMX at 640x480. I have no electronic focuser (and don't think I ever will). I'm trying to understand where my issue is with the quality however. I've added a Saturn from the same night. The capture were all around the 1 minute mark. Have used Pipe and then Astrosurface for processing. Any pointers? 

image.jpeg.8c6ccd688b24fa35a5636e042806bd98.jpegAstrosurface Saturn 1.tif

Astrosurface Saturn 1.tif

Edited by Mark2022
Sometimes I just don't know how to attach things as I'd like to.
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4 hours ago, Mark2022 said:

Simon, I've just been going through some of my captures from the same night (between about 12am and 3am on the 21st). There were a couple where I thought what I was seeing was the GRS but, on processing this one (very badly), I realised it was Io's transit. I did think the GRS was looking very dark, right enough! 😆

Jupiter was very turbulent on that morning it was very difficult to achieve focus, & sometimes it not easy to estimate detail either.

Your kit seems very capable of achieving good results, i notice your using a colour camera so using an A.D.C especially on Saturn at such low elevation is a must, try using rgb alignment & colour balance in registax 6 will help.

All in all its trial & error in this game and with experience you will find what works and what dont im still on that learning curve myself after many years! You can always pm me if you like as it keeps this topic open for planetary imaging! Regards Simon.

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