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Luna 25 mission.

maw lod qan

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Seems from what I'm reading online the the Russian lunar lander, Luna25, when failing to fire thrusters and get into a correct orbit for landing, ceased to exist.

Sounds more scientific than crashed.

I guess that means there will be a new acronym, CTE to go along with SpaceX's, RUD.

I'm not sure why everyone is so concerned about getting to the surface at the South polar area first, like they will claim it.

Seems everyone is just struggling to get there and land, again.

Now to see if India has some success!

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I suppose "crashed" could be re-defined as "entered exceptionally low level geostationary orbit followed by widespread surface based hardware deployment" by the PR people. 

Edited by John
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34 minutes ago, John said:

I suppose "crashed" could be re-defined as "entered exceptionally low level geostationary orbit followed by widespread surface based hardware deployment" by the PR people. 

Isn’t that what the PR team said when the Beagle probe crashed on Mars after it became apparent that something or someone got confused with the units of measurement.

The Russian space agency during the 1970’s / early 1980’s managed to land some probes [Venera / Венера] on the surface of Venus with great success and got some images and data during the later missions. Even though they remained operational for about one hour, I don’t think NASA or any other space agency has even attempted that amazing feat.

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No, you're confusing Beagle 2 with the NASA Mars reconnaissance probe that went careering off into space due to stupid use of imperialistic measurements by one of the sub contractors. Beagle 2 landed safely on Mars (And was photographed later) but one of the "petals" failed to open, blocking the solar panels and the antenna, so communications were lost.

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7 minutes ago, RT65CB-SWL said:

...The Russian space agency during the 1970’s / early 1980’s managed to land some probes [Venera / Венера] on the surface of Venus with great success and got some images and data during the later missions. Even though they remained operational for about one hour, I don’t think NASA or any other space agency has even attempted that amazing feat.

I agree that there have been some really notable Russian space exploration achievements 👍

I am currently reading the excellent book by Dr Ezzy Pearson "Robots in Space" which documents the history of robotic space exploration. Very interesting.

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8 minutes ago, DaveS said:

No, you're confusing Beagle 2 with the NASA Mars reconnaissance probe that went careering off into space due to stupid use of imperialistic measurements by one of the sub contractors. Beagle 2 landed safely on Mars (And was photographed later) but one of the "petals" failed to open, blocking the solar panels and the antenna, so communications were lost.

Thank you for the clarification. I got confused then! :thumbsup:

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The sory from NASA...

NASA's Mars Climate Orbiter was designed to study Mars from orbit and to serve as a communications relay for the Mars Polar Lander and Deep Space probes.
The mission was unsuccessful due to a navigation error caused by a failure to translate English units to metric.

The story from me.....
Do you enter orbit from 125 miles? 125KM?
If NASA had joined the rest of the world and adopted metric measurements this would not have happened.
Now go back a few years to the Hubble mirror fiasco. Inch/metric again!

I can understand confusion in the ordingary workplace as the USA has been hanging on to inch measurement - separating from the rest of the world.
However, space flight is an international undertaking. Whether dealing with subcontractors, overseas experts or buying products.
They all need to use the same measurement systems.

Contentious statement I realise. Reaches for hard hat😲

As for Beagle 2. It got a 'free' ride. There was no support or communication with the carrier craft - It ESA Mars Express.
That is why Beagle was lost until visually sighted much later.
I once attended a lecture given by someone from the project.
A very telling comment from his presentation was 'a free ride is worth less than you pay for it.

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"I'm not sure why everyone is so concerned about getting to the surface at the South polar area first, like they will claim it."

The deepest craters at the south pole never catch the sun, so may contain water ice, an essential commodity for a moon base.

For example, solar panels on the crater rim, electrolysis of the water will give you oxygen.

 Nobody can "claim it", you could build your base right next to theirs if you wanted to.

Maybe a Good Idea, a multinational colony ?



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1 hour ago, michael8554 said:

"I'm not sure why everyone is so concerned about getting to the surface at the South polar area first, like they will claim it."

The deepest craters at the south pole never catch the sun, so may contain water ice, an essential commodity for a moon base.

For example, solar panels on the crater rim, electrolysis of the water will give you oxygen.

 Nobody can "claim it", you could build your base right next to theirs if you wanted to.

Maybe a Good Idea, a multinational colony ?



I agree totally. 

But, sadly, we are still a "claim it" world. 

Personally I think EVERYTHING in space should be for the good, or bad of everyone.

When the big rock comes, it's not going to matter what continent you live on, or what you look like. 

The Moon should be looked at just like Antarctica. Or like the ISS. Except that is even verboten to a couple nations.


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