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Venus in UV and IR from the 23.7.2023

Pete Presland

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Small window of opportunity to catch Venus in daylight between the clouds, assuming i could find it.

The phase it getting very thin now around 11% Not really worth capturing in UV but i did anyway. Very over sampled, i think next time no Barlow.

Hopefully try and capture the phase as close to 1% as possible, weather permitting.

The usual set up C9.25, asi462mm, x1.8 Barlow, UV filter and 807 filter.



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Very nice Pete. It is getting larger, isn't it? I tried to find Venus over the weekend but no luck; I tried at 6pm as by sunset it's obscured by my hedge. Was it at sunset and could you see it with a finderscope?

You may have a tiny bit of UV cloud at the middle of the image.

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These were both captured before 6.30pm, i find it easier to find in the slightly darker blue sky that is higher up.

The sky seems almost white to me lower down later near the horizon.  I find Venus using my binoculars first then the finder scope and then a 2" 42mm eyepiece.

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