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Congressional Oversight Committee on UAP's

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Tbh, if you knew of such objects or better yet had possession of such things, would you tell the world and face a future of constant attention and scrutiny?

Who knows what might be found on imminent missions to the dark side of the moon, maybe they'll find the All Spark.

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7 hours ago, DaveS said:

I won't believe it's aliens until I see demonstrably alien technology and / or equally non terrestrial remains.

I wouldnt believe its aliens even if there was such evidence. Its not aliens until every other possible or impropable explanation has been ruled out.

And how can one tell if something is alien technology or non terrestial life? The life part might be explainable easily if its not similar to Earth life at all, but that takes some actual lab work to prove (and not an eyewitness). The tech part is almost non proveable. Militaries all over the world are developing technologies that will not be known publicly for decades, so most likely an unknown piece of tech is of that source.

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This raises an interesting question. Do we have the capability to reverse engineer anything so advanced? This needs unknown materials, mechanical, heat and radiation shielding, possibly hibernation, navigation and controls. In "down to earth" reality it may be completely impossible to travel through space at higher velocities. Every particle wants to pass right through the ship from nose to tail. The only way is arguably to literally jump from A to B. Without ever actually moving through the fabric of space.

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7 minutes ago, Rusted said:

This raises an interesting question. Do we have the capability to reverse engineer anything so advanced? This needs unknown materials, mechanical, heat and radiation shielding, possibly hibernation, navigation and controls. In "down to earth" reality it may be completely impossible to travel through space at higher velocities. Every particle wants to pass right through the ship from nose to tail. The only way is arguably to literally jump from A to B. Without ever actually moving through the fabric of space.

Something like the Musha Jump Drive?

Gotta love AstreronX. Mad as a box of frogs but entertaining, provided you don't take them too seriously!

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The thing is I'm sceptical but inexplicable stuff does happen when you don't have a camera or phone in your hand. Noone else apparently sees it and no other reports of the thing you saw exist... You can see where I going with this... I doubt the huge fireballI I witnessed late one evening around 11pm in 2020 was a anything other than a meteor or burning space debris but it was travelling across the sky for at least a minute. The fireball passed through my binocular view while I was looking at the Coathanger and I ran into the house for my phone. Not one report in a newspaper, nothing reported on an any astro sites and no personal evidence as by the time I grabbed my phone and ran out the fireball had started to dip over the house roof before I could focus. Anyone else casually looking up would have been rooted to the spot it was that spectacular and obviously not an aircraft.

As already stated I'm not suggesting this was a crashing alien spacecraft but attempting to illustrate random stuff does occur that is missed by the masses and gone unreported. If I had reported the sighting would I have been the only person to spot it or does a shadowy military dept somewhere have the occurence on record? I'll never know. I have no evidence to prove what I saw but it did happen...

We all likely read the same ever changing facts about the universe and who knows if a species elsewhere over the course of several billion years has not developed technologies capable of breaking physics as we know it? What if the interdimensional multiverse type scenario is a real thing? Or any number of other theories?

There are far too many questions to ponder. Right now I'm more concerned about the current war on European soil, climate change and other stuff directly affecting myself, this country and neighbouring continent. I'm staying open minded with a healthy dose of doubt and sceptism... I'll only concern myself with aliens when the mothership turns up to collect their mates... 😱

Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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21 minutes ago, Rusted said:

This raises an interesting question. Do we have the capability to reverse engineer anything so advanced? This needs unknown materials, mechanical, heat and radiation shielding, possibly hibernation, navigation and controls. In "down to earth" reality it may be completely impossible to travel through space at higher velocities. Every particle wants to pass right through the ship from nose to tail. The only way is arguably to literally jump from A to B. Without ever actually moving through the fabric of space.

I suppose if we could not understand anything of the technology then it could be interpreted as non terrestial. Although it could still be a clandestine military gizmo that no-one dares admit they have misplaced.

If it were made of material not currently found in our periodic table, then maybe a possible explanation could be a non-terrestial origin. But if we could reverse engineer that material and synthesize it with relative ease, then its also possible that someone simply initially engineered that on Earth. Or the electronics found would be manufactured at such a small scale that no fab on earth could possibly make it today. Although here again there could be a secret fab for military tech that is not disclosed to the public.

I guess it would have to be made of "new physics" that none of our theories at the moment can explain. Some kind of quark-quantumfield-rotary-thingimajig made of little-greenmanium with integrated circuits at atomic scale. Would have to be truly without explanation to be considered non-terrestrial IMO.

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 If ghosts and UFO sightings were due to inter-dimensional, multiverse travel it might quickly cause irreparable chaos and damage to each.
As in: "You haven't seen me, right?"  :wink2: 

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2 hours ago, Rusted said:

This raises an interesting question. Do we have the capability to reverse engineer anything so advanced? This needs unknown materials, mechanical, heat and radiation shielding, possibly hibernation, navigation and controls. In "down to earth" reality it may be completely impossible to travel through space at higher velocities. Every particle wants to pass right through the ship from nose to tail. The only way is arguably to literally jump from A to B. Without ever actually moving through the fabric of space.

Would depend wholly on the materials used and the manufacturing processes involved. Go back say 60 years and we had no way to manufacture single crystal aero engine turbine blades, or say 15 years and any thought of metal 3D printing by Selective Laser Melting or Laser Powder Bed Fusion would be a non starter. Manufacturing pathways open as technology advances in turn allowing design and manufacture of the hitherto non manufacturable. 


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Anomalies are not new. Both of my parents worked on radar during WW2. Things were moving back then at several times the speed of any known aircraft.
The problem with technical progress, until the desperate hope for AI to fix us, is the grubby human fingerprints left all over it. Concorde, B1, stealth. They all smelt of incremental human progress. That said, blaming the aliens for our reverse engineering. Takes away from the ability of brilliant humans to dream the impossible. Provided they are left to get on with it with adequate funding.

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On 28/07/2023 at 21:22, saac said:

No sightings from antiquity not even from 1800s, does seem strange.

Not antiquity, but a long time ago. A relative told me that in his childhood he saw light shining through a window to put a bright rectangle on a house interior wall. It moved slowly and there was no sound.
The angle from window to wall meant it was coming from the sky.
This was probably 1910 -1920. The location was Sheffield. He was convinced it was a UFO.
Yes WW1 time it may have been a searchlight from a Zeppelin - did they have these? Sheffield steelworks were definitely targetted in WW2.
However, he did not mention others seeing it, or any newspaper reports.
I know that a Zeppelin was sighted by multiple witnesses by natural light (and the story documented) near Retford, about 20 miles east of Sheffield.
This was one night in WW1. No light involved. So this is a possibility.

However, now there are huge numbers of doorbell cameras, vehicle dashcams, security cameras and more that include some sky.
We see in the media these when there has been a decent meteor.
Add to this the astro community who are running all sky or wide angle meteor cameras.
So where are the ET/UFO sightings?



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41 minutes ago, Carbon Brush said:

Not antiquity, but a long time ago. A relative told me that in his childhood he saw light shining through a window to put a bright rectangle on a house interior wall. It moved slowly and there was no sound.
The angle from window to wall meant it was coming from the sky.
This was probably 1910 -1920. The location was Sheffield. He was convinced it was a UFO.
Yes WW1 time it may have been a searchlight from a Zeppelin - did they have these? Sheffield steelworks were definitely targetted in WW2.
However, he did not mention others seeing it, or any newspaper reports.
I know that a Zeppelin was sighted by multiple witnesses by natural light (and the story documented) near Retford, about 20 miles east of Sheffield.
This was one night in WW1. No light involved. So this is a possibility.

However, now there are huge numbers of doorbell cameras, vehicle dashcams, security cameras and more that include some sky.
We see in the media these when there has been a decent meteor.
Add to this the astro community who are running all sky or wide angle meteor cameras.
So where are the ET/UFO sightings?



It is curious isn't it. But aside all of these sightings of "strange" lights we should not forget that it has been claimed in front of the congressional committee and the world that an alien body is in our possession. All that remains to be done is startlingly obvious as it is simple, produce the evidence. It also raises the question why are the likes of NASA currently spending millions in taxpayers money looking for evidence of life off Earth when we apparently already have the answer. Mmmmm. 


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We live in strange times. Disinformation and media manipulation of a misinformed populace is running rampant. Absolute balony masquerades as science and fact on mainstream TV channels, championing fringe and crackpot positions to the masses. Sensationalism and fearmongering run rampant on Youtube.

A quick look at youtube 'James Webb' has the following uploads, all alarmist and tripe science:


'They lied to us..'   

'Big Bang Debunked..'

'Oumuamua returning'

Usually with a photo of Brian Cox, Micheo Kaku, or Neil De Grasse Tyson

The question is, WHY?

Divide and conquer? Dumbing down? Distraction?

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12 minutes ago, 900SL said:

We live in strange times. Disinformation and media manipulation of a misinformed populace is running rampant. Absolute balony masquerades as science and fact on mainstream TV channels, championing fringe and crackpot positions to the masses. Sensationalism and fearmongering run rampant on Youtube.

A quick look at youtube 'James Webb' has the following uploads, all alarmist and tripe science:


'They lied to us..'   

'Big Bang Debunked..'

'Oumuamua returning'

Usually with a photo of Brian Cox, Micheo Kaku, or Neil De Grasse Tyson

The question is, WHY?

Divide and conquer? Dumbing down? Distraction?

The YouTube video nonsense part is easily answered: The more outrageous and aggravating a thumbnail and video title you can make the more you get clicks. And with that you get views which in turn will generate ad revenue which adds up to a significant source of income if you manage to get a few hundred thousand views. So the answer is, like it often is, that someone is making money off of all the nonsense.

And the way the YouTube algorithm works to promote content and suggest it to more viewers is based on engagement which encompasses views, comments and likes (or dislikes. It does not matter if the video is disliked because clicking that button is engagement and good enough for the algorithm). Also a negative comment means nothing, its just more fuel to the fire. The best thing you can do is click the 3 dots and select "dont recommend channel" or "not interested" which will make the algorithm try and not suggest content exactly like that in the future. The more you use YouTube and the more you do the "not interested" thing the better it gets. After some time the bad videos no longer appear on your recommendations.

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On 28/07/2023 at 23:12, saac said:

But aren't we fortunate to live in an age when "non human biologics" have been confirmed by an eye witness

My dog is really clever and there must be others. The dogs are building flying saucers.😂

Maybe like 'Star Trek' all our visitors follow the 'first directive' to not be seen.😃 More seriously, I believe that there is intelligent life beyond our own planet - but I have no idea why they would want to come here!

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2 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

My dog is really clever and there must be others. The dogs are building flying saucers.😂

Maybe like 'Star Trek' all our visitors follow the 'first directive' to not be seen.😃 More seriously, I believe that there is intelligent life beyond our own planet - but I have no idea why they would want to come here!

Let's get your dog in front of a congressional committee then and get this all straightened up. :)  


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3 hours ago, Carbon Brush said:

So where are the ET/UFO sightings?

How do you know that the one or two satellite trails I seem to capture every other frame isn't a suspect object which has masked its identity as a common satellite signature? 

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7 minutes ago, Elp said:

How do you know that the one or two satellite trails I seem to capture every other frame isn't a suspect object which has masked its identity as a common satellite signature? 

All known orbiting objects large enough to be tracked, are being tracked basically at all times. At least in a way that if one changes orbit it will be known very quickly because its actually dangerous if some piece of spacejunk or just a functioning satellite suddenly changes orbit and causes a collision hazard to other orbiting satellites. If you follow space news of some kind you will occasionally hear of a satellite that either changes orbit rapidly, or by a large amount. These are usually not disclosed, but can be often traced back to launches of an undisclosed military payload where we can assume it is a test of some new method of propulsion. Not new as in some star wars tech, but new as in maybe 5% more efficient type of ion engine or similar that is not typically interesting to people outside astronomy as a hobby.

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Yes but YOU cannot be certain of such information. It's like when you search the internet from wherever you are in the world, the results you get back are filtered by region or even due to local "filtering" (you can obviously bypass using a VPN). Unless you specifically have control of such data you cannot be certain of anything, don't even pay heed to the news as it doesn't tell the full story (trust me, I've seen it first hand even for a minor story, they only report what suits their narrative at the time and not what's actually happening to you first hand and edit it all out). Not a conspiracy nut or anything, but you cannot be sure of anything if it's second hand or more information.

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