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Congressional Oversight Committee on UAP's

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Really quite a fascinating watch. The three main witnesses came across as plausible and credible. It will be fascinating seeing how far this goes.

My position was that of sceptic. I'm not so sure now..

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I haven't watched it but for me I can't get past two obstacles; the unassailable distances and to what point the nonsensical covert nature of  the "visits".  It all seems somewhat improbable. 


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We are in a forum of dedicated visual astronomers who spend their free time looking up. We've seen things that most humans haven't - yet somehow virtually none of us seems to believe that aliens are here. We feel that we would have seen them! Yet, we need to believe "respectable" witnesses in congress to have proof that such aliens would exist? Besides, they haven't said anything, really - but they said nothing in a very respectable and believable way! ;)

But the important questions (have we been in contact with extra-terrestrial? have we recovered bodies? have we found any tangible proof that there might be life outside of our planet and that they are here to visit?) they dodged, hiding behind "classified material" or reporting second hand accounts. Seems weak to me...

And as @saac said above, nothing of this adds up physically. Not here to tell anyone what to believe, but I'm gonna remain very skeptic (probably until an alien comes knocking at my door). :D

And for good measure: https://xkcd.com/2359/

Edited by SwiMatt
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Of course they exist and are among us, they are called teenagers.  They appeared in the late 50s early 60s coinciding with Sputnik.

Before then they were unheard of. We as a species went from child to adult but now this alien infection has modified its behavior much as the jewel wasp turns a cockroach into a zombie.

Regards Andrew 


Edited by andrew s
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Some wag on Twitter (Sorry -"X") noted an Alien preference to contact Farmers?
I suppose "The Archers" has just about reached E.T. by now! Never a listener but:
"Fine Words don't butter no Parsnips"?!? (Joe Grundy - After 15th cent saying!) 😁


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11 hours ago, SwiMatt said:

Besides, they haven't said anything, really - but they said nothing in a very respectable and believable way!

Blimey - we must have watched different versions, because the one I watched said rather a lot - not all new - but still pretty interesting stuff.

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7 minutes ago, Barry Fitz-Gerald said:

Distracting who?  The vast majority of the Earth's population could not give a monkeys about all this.

Well, I obviously can't be 100% sure - but we need to look at two things:

1. Who is performing the show, and

2. Which theaters it's playing at



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Prof Cox nailed it in his twitter comment - extraordinary claims but no extraordinary evidence.  All at a time when we have more pressing concerns to deal with. Says it all really. 


Edited by saac
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Ok so these 'guys' have the technology to travel many light years to get to earth and when they arrive they crash land on some obscure part of the planet???. Sorry peeps I don't buy it 🤷!.

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11 minutes ago, Barry Fitz-Gerald said:

A conspiracy theory about a conspiracy theory?


I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but that is the only logical explanation for following:

1. No solid evidence (or almost any for that matter except "witness" accounts and dodgy aerial footage)

2. All statements are made in such way that they can't be either proved or disproved and can easily be later dismissed as "mistake" or hearsay in case anyone needs to be accountable

3. It is aimed at US crowd, there is oncoming elections in autumn (of next year?) there and perhaps some current administration blunders that are about to be exposed - need to be masked somehow?

(I do admit that point number 3 is a wild guess on my part. I'm really not political analyst and I should probably refrain from any further comment in this direction to avoid breaking SGL rules)


Edited by vlaiv
Missed the date of elections ...
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12 hours ago, Barry Fitz-Gerald said:

Blimey - we must have watched different versions, because the one I watched said rather a lot - not all new - but still pretty interesting stuff.

Sorry, I've been too literal. When I said "they haven't said anything" what I meant was "they haven't said anything of interest or that can be constructed as factual without relying on hearsay".

As @saac said, citing Brian Cox, who was in turn citing Carl Sagan: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, of which there is none, zero, nihil.

And I concur with @vlaiv , and I'm also gonna refrain from my political analysis of the situation due to SGL rules. I'm just gonna confirm what he says: that the "evidence" of this hearing is still the same evidence that has been pushed forward for decades, at least since 1947: nothing solid, dodgy footage, hearsay that can easily be dismissed if the witness is discovered (as it so often happens) to be in a state of pathological narcissism that should be cured, not encouraged. 

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2 hours ago, SwiMatt said:

......................................hearsay that can easily be dismissed if the witness is discovered (as it so often happens) to be in a state of pathological narcissism that should be cured, not encouraged. 

If that is an attempt at a psychological/clinical diagnosis of individuals who report seeing UFO's - I suspect you are quite wide of the mark, and being somewhat disparaging about the thousands that have, which includes many far more technically qualified than most.

It is a subject that polarises debate as the above responses demonstrate, and in many ways that is almost as interesting as the phenomenon itself, and I quite accept the views of others as having validity until satisfactory evidence, one way or another is provided.

I am also of the view that just because a particular view is espoused by one or more 'academics' this does not mean they are correct or that their opinion should be weighted more positively than certain other opinions, whoever they are. Even Einstein made the odd blunder.



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It is somewhat suspicious that if anyone has any photos they are generally blurry and low resolution. More or less everyone nowadays have good quality high resolution cameras on their phones, which work irrespective of whether there's any Internet or phone connection, so if aliens are out there (and for some reason they are virtually always in the US rather than anywhere else in the world!) we should expect to start seeing some better quality photographic evidence. 

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7 hours ago, iantaylor2uk said:

It is somewhat suspicious that if anyone has any photos they are generally blurry and low resolution. More or less everyone nowadays have good quality high resolution cameras on their phones, which work irrespective of whether there's any Internet or phone connection, so if aliens are out there (and for some reason they are virtually always in the US rather than anywhere else in the world!) we should expect to start seeing some better quality photographic evidence. 

No sightings from antiquity not even from 1800s, does seem strange. 


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Just now, saac said:

No sightings from antiquity not even from 1800s, does seem strange. 


I'm sure they had sightings - but did not have Nokia 3310 to make a recording of it :D

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