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It has been a really poor year for me with regards to observing even though I started the year completing my ideal grab and go garden scope. 5” newt on an AZ5 on the 1.75” steel leg SW tripod that came with my EQ5.

The usual weather, work combo and only being clear on full moon has taken the wind out of my sales. Last night it was clear I got a grip!

All power to Skyhound and their comet pdf charts. Lowest power EP which is my 40mm plossl so I know from the finder I am in the general area between Draco and Cepheus boundary. A little difficult as there is a low mag array of stars without much to hop from or to.

Amazingly found it within two minutes. It has a magnitude of 9.8 but very low SB. It was larger than I anticipated but dim and diffuse, a bit like M81 crossed with M1.

I could discern no elongation or core concentration but with a 5” newt not a surprise. I spent more time working out if I had stumbled across a galaxy mistaking it for the comet but nothing on my star charts that size at that point in space.

My ninth Comet and the second this year, so very happy. As a bonus I got first light with my new Astronomic OIII filter on the Veil. Very good it is too.


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Well done ! 🙂

I last observed this comet back in late June when it was around magnitude 10. I found it quite challenging to tease out of the not-quite-dark sky with my 4 inch refractor back then. 

Good to hear that it is still visible in smallish scopes. I will re-visit it when I'm next observing 👍

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C/2023 E1 is very diffuse and more challenging than its magnitude suggests.   However, it does respond well to a comet filter.   It's one of the few comets I've seen where the comet filter made a difference between seeing and not seeing the comet.   If you don't have a comet filter, try using a OIII or UHC filter.   The comet filter passes one of the OIII bands plus C2. so either will jhelp see this comet.



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