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How to guide with an EQ3 Synscan?

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One night I decided to try and use my EQ3 and so I did but my only problem was that I needed it to guide. I use PHD2 and when I start calibrating it tells me about setting the RA between -20 to 20+, Any help please?



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You need to provide details on how you have set this up.  How are the mount and computer connected, and the software (NINA, EQmod, GSS ??).  How you do your polar alignment would also help.  This should allow people to diagnose whats going on and how best to calibrate and start guiding

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1 hour ago, malc-c said:

You need to provide details on how you have set this up.  How are the mount and computer connected, and the software (NINA, EQmod, GSS ??).  How you do your polar alignment would also help.  This should allow people to diagnose whats going on and how best to calibrate and start guiding

I use PHD2 with ASCOM installed, I polar align the mount via polar scope, The mount is connected via USB3 to my laptop using the motor.

Edited by WilliamAstro
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5 hours ago, WilliamAstro said:

I use PHD2 with ASCOM installed, I polar align the mount via polar scope, The mount is connected via USB3 to my laptop using the motor.

Still doesn't explain in detail how things are connected.  Is the guide camera connected to the PC via USB or are you using the ST4 port ?  You need to give a more detailed reply so people can fully understand your configuration and also what your work flow was (did you run the assistant utility to calibrate PHD2 first ?)

I googled your mount and searched for any tutorials and found this  - Hope that helps

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On 16/07/2023 at 22:08, malc-c said:

Still doesn't explain in detail how things are connected.  Is the guide camera connected to the PC via USB or are you using the ST4 port ?  You need to give a more detailed reply so people can fully understand your configuration and also what your work flow was (did you run the assistant utility to calibrate PHD2 first ?)

I googled your mount and searched for any tutorials and found this  - Hope that helps

Sorry for not elaborating. Okay so here is the breakdown, I use a Synscan EQ3 for my 72 ED, not a Star Adventurer, The guidescope I use is a ZWO 30mm Mini GuideScope, The guide camera I use is an ASI120MM which is connected to the autoguide port on the motor control via ST4 and connected to my laptop via USB3, I connect my laptop to the USB port on the motor control with a USB port adapter via USB2 so I can also connect my main camera in another port as well. Upon using PHD2, I either have a choice of "on-camera" or "USB" operated with ASCOM. Upon attempting to calibrate, The steps go higher in number and a while later I am met with, "RA Calibration failed".

Edited by WilliamAstro
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Sounds like your mount is one of the newer models with a USB port on the control box. If this is the case, connect that to your PC, and your 120MM directly to the PC too. Ditch the ST4 cable entirely, it is not needed (or wanted).

In PHD2 connect to the mount with either the Skywatcher driver or EQMOD. Connect to the camera with the ZWO Ascom driver (you need to install all of the above of course).

Then you need to tell us a bit more. Where in the sky are you pointing when calibrating? You need to point to a low declination and close to the meridian for calibration to work. If you tried to calibrate at the home position it would not work as the RA axis moves very little.

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1 hour ago, ONIKKINEN said:

Sounds like your mount is one of the newer models with a USB port on the control box. If this is the case, connect that to your PC, and your 120MM directly to the PC too. Ditch the ST4 cable entirely, it is not needed (or wanted).

In PHD2 connect to the mount with either the Skywatcher driver or EQMOD. Connect to the camera with the ZWO Ascom driver (you need to install all of the above of course).

Then you need to tell us a bit more. Where in the sky are you pointing when calibrating? You need to point to a low declination and close to the meridian for calibration to work. If you tried to calibrate at the home position it would not work as the RA axis moves very little.

I am pointing the guidescope directly to where the telescope is pointing to.

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17 minutes ago, WilliamAstro said:

Anywhere that I want to image, it could be the Orion Nebula, Dumbbell Nebula, or anything like that.

It was not a hypothetical question on where you want to point the telescope. I feel like youre pulling my leg here.

Youll have to help yourself a little bit here. Have you read the PHD2 instructions through thoroughly? Now is the time if not.

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William, thank you for an excellent description.

As others have already mentioned, get rid of the ST4 cable, connect the camera directly to the PC via USB, and use the USB socket on the synscan unit to connect the mount to your computer (you may need to download the driver from Synta's website.  Once installed set the connection speed of the VCP to 115200).

From my experience calibration needs to be done with a star that is close to the intersection of the local meridian with the celestial equator as that is the point where there is the greatest angular movement.  Set up pulse guiding in the section of EQMOD of the same name by placing ticks in both RA and DEC rate check boxes and set the sliders to x0.9.  

Hope that helps

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