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Been meaning to image this again since l imaged it back in 2018 in HOO. 
This time done in Hubble Palette from home   

Dual Rig
ED80 and Atik460EX 
ED72 and Atik 460EX
Ha 20 x 600secs 
Oiii 8 x 300secs binned
Sii 8 x 300secs binned 
Total 4 hours 40mins

SE London Bortle 8 

There is a faint PN Lan 21 top left, which is just starting to appear.


Edited by carastro
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Oh yes, duh! Thanks for the clue! Lanning is a catalogue of UV bright stars (Google) - doesn't appear in the list of catalogues for PI's annotate script.  The PK planetary catalogue should have it though, last updated in 2000.



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14 hours ago, Ouroboros said:

That’s a lovely image, @carastro.  Why did you use two scopes? And were the images difficult to merge? 

I always use a dual rig if I can if using my telescopes (can't with my Samyang lens), as you can get twice as much data at a time.  In particular I can get Ha only on one scope and concentrate more on Oiii and Sii on the other.

I have been doing this for quite a few years and register the two different images in Registar, which I also use to re-size the Oiii and Sii which I bin x 2 (also saves time).  I never bin Lum or Ha as you need the detail in those filters. 

Merging the Ha from two different scopes, once registered in Registar, I blend them together in layers in Photoshop.  I am sure there will be a routine in Pixinsight which will do the same.   



Edited by carastro
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