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Coma Cluster A1656

Roy Batty

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Taken last night, but unfortunately not as long as I wanted (PHD lost the guide star for some reason?!!)

The two largest fuzzies are NGC4889 & 4874, but there's simply loads of others in shot in this group.

Details: Prime focus DSLR on ED80; 16 X 300s subs; ISO800; CLS clip filter; guided with a QHY5 using PHD on C8-N.




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You're right about the CLS TJ, sometimes I think its more trouble than its worth. I may have another stab at this one but use the C8-N instead for better resolution, plus it will be alot faster at F5 rather than the ED80's F7.5

Actually I think the image looks alot better when viewed from my SGL album rather than this attachment; I guess it loses some quality in the compression?



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