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SGL 2023 challenge 7 - Deep Sky Summer Triangle

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This is essentially a deep sky imaging challenge although it does allow for quite wide field images.  The celestial playing field is made up of the constellations which feature in the Summer Triangle of Deneb, Vega and Altair.  These are Cygnus, Lyra, Vulpecula, Sagitta and Aquila and their boundaries are as defined by the International Astronomical Union.  NB Delphinius is not included.  Any image which has areas outside these constellation boundries will not be eligible (you may need to crop!).  There is lots to go at from small planetary nebulae to huge supernova remnants.  Images can be of single deep sky objects to wider field images encomapassing multiple objects.

Start date 3rd July 2023

End date 30th September 2023 

No entries will be accepted after this date.


As previously the winner and runners up will receive an SGL challenge mug showing their image along with a virtual medal-of-honour for their SGL signature.

Please post entries directly into this thread

To keep the thread manageable for the judges please do not post comments about entries, emoji reactions are welcome of course.



All data must be captured and processed by you (no collaborative entries). 
Data must be captured during the challenge start & end dates. 
Multiple entries are allowed but please make a fresh post within the thread.
Multiple submissions of the same image, processed differently, will not be accepted.

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  • MartinB changed the title to SGL 2023 challenge 7 - Deep Sky Summer Triangle
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I see we are a week in  with no entries so I'll kick it off with an image of the Crescent Nebula, NGC 6888 in Cygnus. It is the best 88 x 3 mins from 105 subs with the RASA8/QHY268c/NBZ combination, so this is a radical crop and processed specifically for the nebula.

Calibrated and stacked in APP, processed in PI with the X-suite, Histogram and Curves transformations, then further processing in Affinity Photo.

I also have the full wide FOV image, but if I post that I'm assuming it would be classed as a duplicate entry?



Edited by tomato
image updated
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The Cresent Nebula captured using my Sharpstar PH-140 refractor at 670mm f4.9 mounted on the EQ6-rpro Stella Ultra mount. Camera ZWOasi2600mm using Antlia 3.5nm narrowband filters. I managed a total of 21 hours capture made up of 5 minute exposures total 11 hours Ha and 10 hours Oiii. Processed in PixInsight .cresentjpg.jpg

Edited by Mount Longlevens
Spelling mistake.
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Captured on 7th July from SE London

4hours 40mins SHO 

Dual Rig, ED80 and ED72 both with an Atik469EX

NGC6820 (processing now tweaked)



NGC6820 SHO 2023 Cropped.png

Edited by carastro
Updated processing
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Luckily the sky are now clear over the CDK24 and I have a few very nice shots to share. First is this hi res image of the M27 Dumbbell Nebula.


Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses

Planewave CDK24

Imaging Cameras



Planewave L-600


SBIG Blue 50x50 mm · SBIG Green 50x50 mm · SBIG Hydrogen Alpha 50x50 mm · SBIG Oxygen III 50x50 mm · SBIG Red 50x50 mm


Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight

 Acquisition details


July 3, 2023 ·  July 4, 2023 ·  July 6, 2023


SBIG Blue 50x50 mm: 20×30″(10′)
SBIG Green 50x50 mm: 10×30″(5′)
SBIG Hydrogen Alpha 50x50 mm: 55×300″(4h 35′)
SBIG Oxygen III 50x50 mm: 54×300″(4h 30′)


9h 20′


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I'm afraid I have been absent for a short time for reasons I won't bore  the forum with, but I've popped in for a look see at these ~
competition Images. I'm dumfounded by the fine  quality of all I see here. I congratulate all the   Contributors  to this Cometition. 
I think Martin will find it difficult  to choose a winner.   😀

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Have to agree with @barkis - some terrific images here.

Here's my little contribution. Weather here has been pants so far in July- but I had a good night last Friday (7th) and managed to get 30 mins RGB, and 90 mins each of Ha and Oiii. This is Pickering's triangle in the magical Veil Supernova remnant. The image was captured with a SW 150 Quattro running at f3.45, with Baader UNB filters and an ASI1600mm. It's mixed R=Ha, G=50:50, B=Oiii.


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If the "Ring nebula" is discovered by a modern astrophotographer, I believe it should be named "The blooming flower nebula" instead of merely "The Ring" nebula which sounds mediocre.
Easily reached even in heavily light polluted sites even without any filter, M57/core is quite bright. But with the right equipment, sufficient exposure time, and an adequate dark site, the outer shell now shows with lots and lots of unseen details.





Imaging Telescopes Or Lenses

Planewave CDK24

Imaging Cameras



Planewave L-600


SBIG Blue 50x50 mm · SBIG Green 50x50 mm · SBIG Hydrogen Alpha 50x50 mm · SBIG Oxygen III 50x50 mm · SBIG Red 50x50 mm

 Acquisition details


July 4, 2023 ·  July 7, 2023


SBIG Blue 50x50 mm: 10×120″(20′)
SBIG Green 50x50 mm: 10×120″(20′)
SBIG Hydrogen Alpha 50x50 mm: 49×300″(4h 5′)
SBIG Oxygen III 50x50 mm: 18×300″(1h 30′)
SBIG Red 50x50 mm: 10×120″(20′)


6h 35′

Avg. Moon age:

17.65 days

Avg. Moon phase:




Edited by Minhlead
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a bit of a newbie but wanted to post my first image taken with my Asi2600mm and the first time using Pixinsight so be gentle with me. I've been trying since the beginning of July and finally aged to get a clear night to really get a few good hours. North America Nebula imaged using W.O. Zenithstar 73 and Asi2600mm. Stacked and processed on Pixinsight. It consists of 60 Ha, 40 Oiii and 40 Sii, all calibrated with flats, darks and biases. Not the best framing, I know :)

North America Nebula Final.jpg

Edited by Leti Theobald
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Here is most of the Veil Nebula, squeezed into the FOV of the RASA8/QHY268c/NBZ combination, 51 x 3 mins. Calibrated and stacked in APP, processed in PI, StarTools (for star shapes improvement) and Affinity Photo.


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And on the same mount a wider FOV taken with the SY135/RC571c/NBZ combination, 50 x 3 mins. Same processing script as the RASA8 image but with more star reduction to hopefully highlight the faint surrounding nebulosity.


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This is a widefield view centred on LDN 673 in Aquila. This is 20x 2 mins captured with the SY135/QHY268c/IRUV filter combination. Alas all my subs taken post the meridian flip had a massive flare on them due to a neighbour's outside light reflecting off the edge of the dome aperture into the lens, never mind.

No calibration frames, vignetting reduced with the tool in APP, LP removal in APP then processed in Pixinsight and AP.




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A classic in the summer triangle! M27, the Dumbbell Nebula in HaO3RGB.

RC8 scope, ASI1600MM-Pro mono camera.

Narrowband Ha and O3 was used for the starless image, RGB for the stars.

Processed in PixInsight, using a mask strech to avoid blowing the centre of the nebula.

I thought I would never get some clear skies here in England!


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Well, I liked @Minhlead wolf rayet 134 so much I had a go myself - a bit of a different framing, and SHO(ish). This was only 5 hours however - the first clear night we've had in donkey's years.

I had taken my scopes out of the observatory for the summer, and somehow managed to screw up the back focus on my Stelamira 90ED with FF - but it wasn't too bad in the end. Certainly one where more integration would help a lot - but with the summer this year I'm trying to shoot new targets each night, since those nights are so few. I think this is my first new image in over 2 months!

Shot with asi2600, L-ultimate and processed in affinity photo and Sirl.



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 While @woldsman image is down for now :) here is my first image I would like to share.

Annoyingly I had just imaged the Veil and the Cygnus Wall prior to the allowed dates, so instead redoing them again with new data I tried to opt for one of the lesser imaged targets in the Cygnus region NGC6914. I also imaged this in broadband, only filter in play here is a UV IR cut. The camera was a ZWO 533 MC Pro and I captured this over the only two clear nights in most of July and August here in the South East UK which was August 7th and 8th. Total integration was just shy of seven hours and the scope I used was ES127ed with 0.7x reducer. I feel (I hope) clearer nights are coming and I even managed to see a very faint Milky Way from my garden under bortle 4.5 the other day. Thanks Simon


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The Eastern Veil Nebula, photographed over the last couple of weeks from my backyard in the UK in HOO using ZWO 2600mm. This is the third image I've attempted in mono and my second entry to this challenge and probably the last one as the Summer Triangle has started hiding behind my roof :) 

Eastern Veil.jpg

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This is supernova remnant SNR G65.3+57, which sits in Cygnus, pretty much right in the middle of the summer triangle. It's very faint, and in the middle of a dense starfield, so a bit tricky. If you're interested in more information about this object, there's a bit of commentary on my astrobin here - https://astrob.in/1y5wqw/0/

This is a 2 panel mosaic. I started it in July, and by last week was worried it would never get finished, given the weather we've been having. But last night was good enough to get the second panel completed.

Details: RASA 11v2 on CEM120, ASI2400MC Pro, 135 x 30s across 2 panels for broadband stars, 7h 49m across 2 panels with IDAS NBZ dual narrowband filter

SNR G65.3+57 2308 stretch.jpg

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Here is another one!

The Crescent Nebula NGC6888 in Cygnus in HaO3RGB using my RC8 scope with an ASI1600MM-Pro mono camera.

Imaged over 3 nights in the UK with average seeing conditions (quite a few high clouds). I will add some more data if ever I got the opportunity.


Edited by Doversole
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