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Say 'Hi' to the OGs

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In terms from the last century, OG = Object Glass, meaning refractor. 

This little lot is a pitiful band compared to some, but I only actually use one of them.

Helios 120mm achro. I must have had this over 20 years. The paint job is about ten years old and the dew shield needs a refresh. At one time, before LED streetlights, it gave me my best ever view of M42. Now the 12" can't do that 😡. At the moment, this scope sits on a shelf unused. If I replaced this with something better I'm not sure I'd use it, because...

Tak FC100. My main scope now. This is the only one being used. Needs no introduction. I don't need anything bigger - the 12" Dob is quite enough with this to compliment it.

Celestron 80ED. Nice optics but what an ugly lump. Weighs the same as the Tak :ohmy: Must have the worst focuser on the planet. Quite happy to leave this on the shelf. I used to use this for variable star observing due to its lovely rendition of stars.

Tak FS-60. I use this with an erecting prism for birdwatching. Focuser range is extremely limiting though and the Antares prism I have introduces huge CA at anything over x30. Nothing else terrestrial will fit - I've tried it. The Antares only works with LVWs slotted down inside it. Meh...

The 120 and 80 are just taking up space. Eventually I'll pluck up the courage to bin them. Meanwhile their shelf awaits...



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47 minutes ago, Merak said:

It looks like the 80ed has the same crappy focuser as the 100ed-r , shame really as the optics are pretty good.

Same optics as the Skywatcher ED100 and ED80 but Celestron opted for a thinner tube and a very mediocre focuser. Vixen did the same but sensibly stayed with a nicer tube and focuser. Vixen charged quite a bit more for their versions though.

Nice to see the term "Object Glass" getting aired again 🙂

Edited by John
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It is always nice to see collections together. I've spent a long time going around in circles looking at 120-130mm refractors and nearly going for one, only at the last minute to come back to the issue of the the size/weight of them and the issue of scope collection complementarity which keeps stopping me at the last minute. Your photo and your comments about the 120mm, 100mm, and your dob sum it up.

...I'm still thinking about it though!

Edited by Paz
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16 minutes ago, Paz said:

...I'm still thinking about it though!

Speaking from an observers perspective, there is something almost irrationally attractive about a ~5 inch refractor 😉


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On 12/06/2023 at 10:23, Mr Spock said:

Celestron 80ED. Nice optics but what an ugly lump. Weighs the same as the Tak :ohmy: Must have the worst focuser on the planet. Quite happy to leave this on the shelf. I used to use this for variable star observing due to its lovely rendition of stars.

Interesting walk through your collection Mr. Spock. Is the 80ED good enough to be worthy of a focuser upgrade at some point do you think?

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30 minutes ago, RobertI said:

Is the 80ED good enough to be worthy of a focuser upgrade at some point do you think?

It would be, however, it's one of those awkward sizes nothing fits :blink:

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