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AZEQ6 Mount.


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I'm hoping that someone on this forum might no the answer to my problem ? I have a Sywatcher AZEQ6 mount that when powered up initialises, but will not go beyond the handset displaying AZ Mode after being powered up. I've tried cleaning the contacts for the lead that connects the hanset to the mount, and removed the side pannel and checked for loose connections, but there are none. the motors do not move either when I press the appropriate buttons on the handset.

I'm hoping somene out there might know the answer to this problem ?

Thanks in adavance for any help.



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Hi HAsun. 
I do not have the az-eq6 but I do have the az-eq5. My first thought is the handset but I am no expert. Can you connect it to a computer via the Skywatcher supplied lead? perhaps it is firmware related? If you can confirm the handset is at fault a new one will be quite expensive, so I just wanted to suggest a Skywatcher wifi adapter FLO generally have these in stock and are probably half the price. I tend to use one with my az-eq5 and it performs faultlessly. Just an idea.

Cheers Dean.

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Hi Patrick, I have the AZ-EQ6 and have never experienced the issue you described. I agree with Dean, it's probably an issue with the handset controller. If you can bring it to a local telescope store, I bet they will have a demo handset that you could use to determine if the handset is indeed the culprit. The wifi adapter Dean mentioned is worth a try as you could control the mount with the SkySafari app on your phone. 

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Hi Patrick,

How are you powering the mount.  These mounts require 12-14v DC with a rated current draw of at least 3 amps.  Although you checked the connections, a faulty power connection, or dry joints on the PCB can lead to poor communications.  One way of confirming that the handset is the culprit would be to purchase an EQDIR cable from a reputable retailer and test using a windows PC running EQMOD.

If the handset reports "No response" and then either or both axis then that means the handset is not receiving a "hello" back form the mount motor board, which again, can be cable, connector, power related, or it could mean there is a fault on the main motor control board in the mount.  If you are unsure and the mount is new (even if its just outside the normal warranty period) then the retailer is duty bound  under UK consumer law to inspect and test the package for you.  If the mount used to perform well, and the issue you now have is down to a mistake such as using the wrong power supply which damaged the electronics then that would be outside the scope of any warranty, and could result in an expensive repair.

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