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Ioptron power supply is it compatable with Skywatcher EQ5

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Have recieved my new Skywatcher EQ5 moterised mount and it comes with a ciggeteete style power supply, Yet my ioptron power supply plugs straight into the 240V mains . Before I spend money on a Ciggetette to 240v adapter for the skywatcher would the ioptron power supply be suitable.  Dont want to damage things with it bieng the wrong polarity or sending 240v direct to the scope



Edited by skippyinspace
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Thanks for that,  The ioptron power supply is currently on the way back to me with the faullty mount, So will check then, Still I could just spend £20 and get a 240V mains plug with ciggerette socket and know its right and keep the ioptorn power supply as a back up. Or sell it with the faulty ioptron mount when I get that back.

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