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Crescent Moon and Close-Ups


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Having a turn at Lunar Imaging with the Zwo ASI462MC and IR Cut filter (should of used IR pass filter probably).

The crescent moon is a composite of 4 images taken with the 462MC and SW200P.

The close-ups of Mare Nectaris, Lacus Somniorum and Janssen Crater (I think) were taken with a Televue x2.5 in combo with aforementioned equipment.

Theoretical best imaging for my camera is f14.5 (rule of thumb 5x pixel size camera = 5x2.9= 14.5). I managed f 12.5 with the Televue  and SW200P (f5).

I managed 4000 frames for each image through Firecapture at fps 70 - 100. Processed in Avistack where quality analysis resulted in 1000 frames being stacked for every image.

Post processing and sharpening done in Registax. Composite of crescent Moon done in Photoshop (PTGui didn't like the moon files??).

Hope these images are pretty fair for an 8" Newtonian and Zwo ASI462MC and that my processing is okay??

CC's welcome.









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