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NGC7000 - Samyang + RedCat dual rig


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Despite the lack of astro-darkness it is still pretty dark in this neck of the woods so I decided to try combining data from a Samyang 135 + ASI183MM (6nm filters) with a RedCat 51 + ASI1600MM (3nm filters).

The image comprises 12 x 300s of S, H and O from both rigs amounting to 6 hours of data from one night.


Pre-processed in APP and post-processed in PI. Following cropping to remove the Samyang only region I used BlurX and NoiseX followed by StarX on a duplicate of the linear image. Each component was then subjected to careful incremental Histogram Transformation before combining with PixelMath as straight SHO. SCNR to remove the green and magenta (I don't like either!) followed by a slight saturation boost in Curves Transformation (which I am not sure it really needed). The originals were treated to a dose of EZ Soft Stretch before extracting the stars, de-stretching them in HT, and recombining with the starless image using PixelMath.

Thanks for looking.


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3 minutes ago, simmo39 said:

V nice, I just dont know how you do it. I lose all will to image this time of the year!

The lack of astro-dark is a problem and the short time window just compounds the challenge. Two near identical rigs helps - when they are both singing along nicely! I've tried doing Ha and SII on the RedCat and OIII on the Samyang but the result doesn't seem as good as the method I adopted above. No Moon and Bortle 3 round here does help. I am hoping to replace the Samyang 135 with an Askar 180 + ASI183 which gives a near identical f.o.v. to the RedCat + ASI1600 - just waiting for stock to arrive.

The ups and downs and highs and lows of AP always reminds me of A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, ...... , it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” Since taking up this hobby I've now had seven winters of despair! 🤣


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Thought I would add the Samyang 135+ASI183MM component of the above image - processed as close to the original as I can get - for comparison, if anyone is interested.




Edited by Adreneline
Image update - 180 degree rotation
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3 minutes ago, Phillyo said:

Very nice image! I've just bought a Redcat 51 and I'm also in Lincoln so I'm looking forward to seeing what I can get with this combo :)


I've had my RedCat 30 months now and I love it - it's a "keeper" for me 👍



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That's a really nice setup! Roughly where in Lincolnshire are you? It would be lovely to pop round sometime and see how you have everything connected etc. Feel free to private message if you want, or if you'd prefer not to, just in case, that's also cool! :)


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