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International Space Station (15+16/05/23)

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ISS has been passing over UK 4 times a night this week but as we are blessed with beautiful skies I have only managed 2 captures last night 😂. Excellent transparency but awful seeing. I used my asi462mm with an IR 650nm and it was still awful but I still managed to get some details out. 'Large' ISS is at 88 degrees and the three 'smaller' ones at 63 degrees. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mm, IR pass and 2.5xTV powermate. Once I find the time I want to make an animation of the fly over (forecast is looking crap this week so it will be a nice distraction). I like the second image as it is showing the sun reflection.


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1 hour ago, Tomatobro said:

I take my hat off to you as I know how hard this is. I tried last night and could not get the ISS on the chip.

Thanks. Are you manually tracking or with software. Skywatcher has a tracking software for satellites. I am doing it manually so I make sure my finder scope and camera are aligned before capture (I always do a final alignment before the pass).

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Tracking with software. Watching the scope it is tracking the ISS well but it needs help with initial positioning as my scope and camera has a small field of view. I dont have a guide scope fitted but it is something under consideration as I have an illuminated cross hair eyepiece. 


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8 minutes ago, Tomatobro said:

Tracking with software. Watching the scope it is tracking the ISS well but it needs help with initial positioning as my scope and camera has a small field of view. I dont have a guide scope fitted but it is something under consideration as I have an illuminated cross hair eyepiece. 


So it's the case of getting on it before it can track? I do it manually with a 640x480 capture window with just my finderscope. I hope you get it to work. It's looking promising tonight.

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