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13mm Ethos on it's way!

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After a lot of thinking and changing my mind about different eyepiece configurations, I finally decided to bite the bullet and ordered a 13mm Ethos! So apologies to everyone for the bad weather over the next few days, especially those in the east :).

I'll post some feedback on it once it's here and I've had a chance to use it...


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Congratulations Dave :)

You won't regret it I promise you - I was very nervous about spending that much on one eyepiece but now I've used it a bit those concerns have dissapeared. It's such a versatile tool to have !.

Look forward to your report on it.


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I must have a look through a telescope one day!

Sounds crazy but I only bought my telescope to learn imaging.

All I have ever seen through the scope is the Moon.

From all I see you guys post, this eyepiece should be the works.

Must look through one myself :)

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Congratulations! I'm also looking for something excellent in the 13mm length. Don't know whether to sell my Pentax XL14 and get a 13mm T6 Nagler to go with my 16mm T5, or sell my Pentax XL14 AND 16mm T5 Nagler and get the Ethos. Decisions...

Look forward to hearing First Light report!


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Cheers dave I'll go and have look at the website.

Thats where I bought mine as well. They tend to have discount weekends now and then, usually linked to shows like Astrofest, you can save 5% or 10% if your timing is right.


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Lovely aren't they Dave ?

Not as heavy as they look though, which is good.

Remember to put the little screw in a safe place if you are going to use it in 2" mode - I've put mine in the box for safe keeping.


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I haven't decided if I'm going to use it in 1.25" or 2" mode. I have a 2" diagonal, but as it's a 1.25" EP anyway, there seems little point to using it in 2" mode. Any comments anyone?

2", without a doubt. More stable that way.

It can work in 1.25" mode, but unless you have no choice (i.e. a 1.25" diagonal, or 1.25" barlow etc.) there's no reason to.

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Thanks, I'll go with 2" then. I do have a 1.25" barlow (Orion Shorty Plus), but I'm not sure if I'll use it with this EP much - the plan is to get something like the 3-6 Nagler Zoom that many people have recommended for high powers with the scope, so ultimately I shouldn't need to barlow the Ethos.

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I just had a very brief first light, so here are my initial thoughts...


OK, here's some more detailed thoughts... The FOV is really huge, and I can see the whole field. The eye relief is OK for use without my glasses, but I didn't really get a chance to use it with them on. I tend to observe without them as it's a little easier that way. Stars appeared to be pin point across the whole field, as expected based on existing feedback and comments. The only object I had a chance to look at was Saturn - not an ideal target at 46x! It was very small in the centre of the field, and I'm not sure but I thought I got a tiny hint of some banding (but that could be my eyes playing tricks on me!). I can see why dob owners like these so much, it would make tracking so much easier. Sadly, I was planning on taking a look at M13, but the clouds have started rolling in, so I'm calling it a night. My astronomy club has a meeting next Friday, so hopefully I can have a look then, weather permitting of course.

Edit: here's a pic of it with the TV85 - although it's big, it's not as huge as I thought it would be.



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Great 1st light report Dave and a lovely scope setup :)

I've got my Vixen ED102SS on a Porta Mount and it's a nice portable outfit.

I've been using my Ethos 13 on Saturn tonight as well - with my 12" Lightbridge dob - lots of detail available with that combo.

Hope you get some clearer skies soon so you can really let the Ethos strut its stuff !.


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I'm releived to hear that your first light went ok and that you didn't experience any of the terrible problems that the Ethos 13 is notorious for. To save you from them in the future I'd be happy to look after it for you, thus easing your mind and removing any worries about its future performance...

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lol, nice try, you actually had me worried for a second there!

I had a quick look at the sun today using a solar filter (I think it's a white light one, not H alpha or something else). Not much to report sadly, as I guess the sun isn't doing much in the visible spectrum :).

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