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Recently I bought a Celestron 6SE . I fear I should have bought the Evolution 8" instead  .  Am I really missing that much with the 2 more inches of aperture. In the past I owned a C5 on Orion SVP EQT mount I used that 5 inch scope more than any other scope I have ever owned including a 10 inch Dob or the Meade ETX 90, and two 8 inch reflector and sct configurations  combined  .  With the 6 SE I have seen in a few sessions more than I have with any other instrument. 

I bought the 6SE as a compromise scope it all fits in 2 cases the mount and the scope/eyepieces fit in one case and the legs fit in their own case . I live in an apartment on the second floor and I figured the 6SE was the biggest I could lug up 2 flights stairs. Then another trip for the legs/power tank battery . This would not be possible with the 8 inch version it would be 4-6  trips up and down the stairs. I bought the scope and case as I figure the 6 inch SCT was the biggest of the small scopes and the smallest of the big scopes.

Use is another point I have no yard to set up so I must always go to another place to set up and use my scope. So I figured the 6 inch SCT would be an awesome scope to transport and use. Again my 6 inch scope full of compromises. I keep getting hung up on the fact that maybe the 8SE and or Evolution 8 would have been a better choice visually or maybe not and the 6SE's package fits the bill perfectly. I rationalized the 6SE with performance is mind  I feel in a few sessions I already see just how powerful the 6SE optically actually is.  

So I guess what I am asking of you is would you have bought the 8 SE  or an evolution in my situation or is the 6SE actually the perfect scope for 2 flights of stairs, storage issues, and Tavel and from the observing site, I feel its a massive compromise scope but so far I have seen the heavens in a way I have never seen it before with the 6SE mount/scope are along.  I keep tripping on the 8 inch scope or will a 6 inch satisfy my urge for seeing many things optically. I must say I dont have aperture fever because when I do that its all-out 10-18 inch  dobs.      

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Posted (edited)

I own a Evolution 8 and one the things I like about it is that it’s equipped with carrying handles, now I am just moving from my den to my deck because it does have a little weight but not so much that it’s too heavy to carry around and worry I’ll drop it, now if I were taking it to dark site I would take it apart and pack the OTA and mount in the individual boxes they came in and tote the tripod down all separately, but it would be possible if you were careful to carry Evolution up and downstairs plus no power tank it has a built in battery you only need a power tank if you intend on running a lot of astro imaging equipment off of it. But one or two accessories or your phone/laptop you’re good for several hours. As far as extra output bigger is generally better as the more light you’re scope can gather the more you can see the same is true for sct’s

Edited by StarDuke82
Forgot to add optical reasoning

I'm a great believer in ease of use and portability. If I were in your position I would have gone for the 6". I think you've made a very good choice. 


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I definitely would not stress about this. An old saying in our hobby is repeated below-

“The best scope is the one that gets used”

In your situation portability is king. Something larger would likely be a chore and would show you nothing at all if it were too much hassle to use.

Enjoy the views😊


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Posted (edited)

It's no fun if you have to struggle.  Unfortunately telescopes get better as they get bigger, more or less, but two flights of stairs remain two flights of stairs. I think you made the right call. A bigger scope might come with a change of living arrangements.


Edited by ollypenrice
False click
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In terms of portability v image quality, a good 4" apo would out perform the 6SE. You could have a light weight mount too.

If you don't want to go down that route, then stick to the 6". An 8" would end up not getting used as you would begin to dread moving it around.


Long rope and a pulley - no stairs! Just kidding.

I used to set up and 8" RC in the garden and that was a faff. Mainly due to the steps. I think the smaller scope is probably the better option.

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Posted (edited)

I think your situation is similar to mine. I wanted the 8 but went for the 6 ota only. I'm looking to get the whole tripod, mount and scope into one bag (already have the bag), so one trip out, should be doable.

Edited by Elp
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The 6” SCT is a great scope and will suit your needs very well. However you should be aware that the 8” uses the same SE mount and tripod and the telescope itself is only 1.5kg heavier than the 6”. It’s indeed bulkier and when you have to move your equipment up and down two flights of stairs every little bit counts. I’m sure you will be happy with your 6SE.

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I have the 6” Celestron SCT/XLT.

It is a very capable instrument and good all-rounder.

As one gets older day by day, things get harder, like lifting things, managing stairs, etc. That’s why I chose the 6” over the 8”.

IMG_0051.thumb.JPG.216a619401be6d13bc865743a8b5d7da.JPGImage above of my Celestron C6 behind my ‘re-modded’ Meade ETX-105 and mounted on a Vixen GP and AstroEngineering side-by-side dual-mounting bar. I have since sold the Vixen GP.

IMG_0580.thumb.JPG.fc6f227bf7e974dd59c6c96ea3f25fe2.JPGThe money from the sale financed the AOK-AYO mount [left]. The other mount is my Tele-Optic Giro [right] as shown in the image.

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Posted (edited)

As with most of the other replies , I think you will come to terms with the fact you made the right choice given the circumstances and the need for the important portability and the ease of moving up and down.

It is human nature to err and think that the wrong choice has been made, but you have obviously thought about the needs of portability already. So all one is doing is doubting ones original choice when it had be thought out carefully.. 

Edited by Naughty Neal
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I want to thank everyone for the reassurance as well as the reflections. I slept on the thought that the 6 is the right scope and you all are so right for my circumstances I think its the best scope for my situation. Thank you so much Michael. 

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