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Baader Coolwedge Mark II

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I’ve held off posting this as I wanted to see if it could get resolved quickly but it seems that my particular unit will need to go back to Baader for further investigation.

The story so far. I ordered the Photographic version of the Mark II CoolWedge, mainly because that is what came into stock first but the extra filters may come in handy at some point if I do some solar imaging.

I didn’t do much with it to start, but having investigated the instructions further it showed you needed a single 2” polarising filter to enable the brightness  control system, plus an adaptor to gain the additional shortening of the light path which will come in handy for my Vixen FL102S which is short on back focus. Further expense but duly ordered.

Once I received these items, I followed the instructions to fit the polarising filter, and found that the Continuum filter and ND3.0 had been fitted incorrectly on the  eyepiece side, not the scope side of the holder. I did some searching and found this thread on CN confirming that the initial batch was incorrectly assembled, with the Continuum filter facing the eyepiece on a way which would cause reflections.


I fitted them correctly, and added the polarising filter, then reassembled the unit, all according to the instructions. All seemed fine until I tried to turn the brightness control lever; it wouldn’t move. After some further investigation it was apparent that the filter was pressing against the top of the blackening ‘velvety’ surface on the prism, leaving an arc shaped dent.

I spoke with FLO at this time and discussed options. I tried to work the filter threads to see if this was the problem, and got them tightened as much as possible but it still didn’t help, and rather annoyingly the ND3.0 filter was then stuck it, impossible for me to get out.

So, I’ve now returned the unit to FLO, and they have returned it to Baader for further investigation and repair. Given the cost of the unit I’ve take a refund for now and will re-purchase a new unit once they come back into stock (could be some time!)

FLO and Baader have been very helpful, so no complaints there and I’m putting it down to teething troubles with a new product. I’m sure units coming out now will be fine, and I’ve not heard of any others with similar problems. I suspect it was caused by some tolerance issue between the particular filters I had and the filter holder, even though all items were original and recommended Baader components.

Looking forward to receiving a replacement unit as soon as possible and will endeavour to do a comparison with the Mark I. I’m not expecting frantic improvements but a smallish but noticeable incremental improvement would be good!

Watch this space….


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I’ve had a couple of problems with Baader recently too Stu. They set such high standards it’s surprising when anything falls short.  
I raised an eyebrow at the extra charge for the polarising filter too. Whatever happened to white light being the cheap way into solar astronomy? Still - should be a great piece of kit when it’s sorted.

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1 minute ago, Highburymark said:

I’ve had a couple of problems with Baader recently too Stu. They set such high standards it’s surprising when anything falls short.  
I raised an eyebrow at the extra charge for the polarising filter too. Whatever happened to white light being the cheap way into solar astronomy? Still - should be a great piece of kit when it’s sorted.

Yes, I guess it does show they are generally an excellent company because you (one) expect/s perfection from them.

One straight thing was that one page in the bilingual menu had been inserted the wrong way round so I had a page of German in the English and vice versa. Had to remove the staples and swap it round one I worked out what was wrong. Again, a tiny detail but not one you expect from Baader.

I did think it could have been clearer that the shortened light path and brightness control require additional accessories as these were two key buying points for me. The narrower Continuum is something you could upgrade on a Mark I unit.

Because I binoview, the brightness control is very handy as I cannot easily do it using polarisers/rotating eyepieces!

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Sorry to hear this - I agree Baader have high standards and it is very rare to have a problem.

Could I ask are they saying that an optimal order for least reflections is wedge then solar continuum filter, then nd3 filter then polarising filter then eyepiece.

My wedge (a Lacerta 1.25") seems to have the nd3 filter permanently installed, i.e. I haven't been able to unscrew it. I have found by trial and error that having the solar continuum filter in front of the polarising filter seems to be better but I've never been able to try it in front of the nd0.9.

Edited by Paz
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1 hour ago, Stu said:

Because I binoview, the brightness control is very handy as I cannot easily do it using polarisers/rotating eyepieces!

Imagine the possibilities of putting polarizers on the bottom of each eyepiece and then rotating them individually so each eye sees a slightly different brightness.  I wonder if the human brain could combine the images into an HDR photograph-like semblance. :icon_scratch:

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3 hours ago, Louis D said:

Imagine the possibilities of putting polarizers on the bottom of each eyepiece and then rotating them individually so each eye sees a slightly different brightness.  I wonder if the human brain could combine the images into an HDR photograph-like semblance. :icon_scratch:

I have considered that, but the eyepieces I normally use don’t take filters (converted microscope eyepieces) so haven’t yet managed it. My eyes do see different brightnesses so perhaps I should try it!

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3 hours ago, Paz said:

Could I ask are they saying that an optimal order for least reflections is wedge then solar continuum filter, then nd3 filter then polarising filter then eyepiece.

Yes, that’s right. Starting telescope side it’s Continuum, ND3.0 then polarising filter facing the eyepiece.

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19 hours ago, Stu said:

Yes, that’s right. Starting telescope side it’s Continuum, ND3.0 then polarising filter facing the eyepiece.

So for getting this straight in my head, your ND3 is not fitted to the Cool Wedge?

My Lunt 1.25 as @Paz has, the ND3 is fitted within the Wedge.

I do agree though that the Continuum and then the Sinle Polariser building towards the EP works slightly better.
Leaves me wondering if the ND3 can be moved?

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21 minutes ago, Alan White said:

So for getting this straight in my head, your ND3 is not fitted to the Cool Wedge?

 No, it IS fitted inside the wedge in both the Mark I and Mark II versions. In the Mark II you fit Continuum and ND3.0 one side of a threaded adaptor, close to the prism. The polariser goes on the other side, nearer the eyepiece. Hard to explain, I’ll see if there is a diagram around somewhere.

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3 hours ago, Sunshine said:

This is unfortunate, I hope you get the issue resolved with Baader and be imaging with it soon enough, I hear they are the best wedges money can buy, they certainly look the part.

Thank you. I’ve returned this one and will get a new one from stock, whenever that may be! Will be interesting to hear what Baader say about it though. As said, I reckon it was a tolerance issue with the particular filters I had with it, or on the thread of the internal adaptor.

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22 hours ago, Stu said:

Yes, that’s right. Starting telescope side it’s Continuum, ND3.0 then polarising filter facing the eyepiece.

Thanks for this, I've had a closer look at my wedge and after some judicious use of rubber bands and an adjustable spanner I have managed to safely unscrew the nd3 filter! I have reconfigured the filters to that sequence and will see how it goes when clouds permit.


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2 hours ago, Alan White said:

Thanks for the info Stu, most interesting indeed.
I foresee one of these in my future to go with the 152.

Didn’t know you had a 152mm Alan, is that the f5.9? Should be very good.

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10 minutes ago, Stu said:

Didn’t know you had a 152mm Alan, is that the f5.9? Should be very good.

Yes, just collected it today. See the Postman thread for images etc.
Quick peak in WL with the 1.25 Lunt wedge,was quick as far too small a heat dissipation for the scope size,
Its stunning, so the 2” wedge should sing.

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11 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Yes, just collected it today. See the Postman thread for images etc.
Quick peak in WL with the 1.25 Lunt wedge,was quick as far too small a heat dissipation for the scope size,
Its stunning, so the 2” wedge should sing.

Nice! I’ve heard of people using the 1.25” wedges in large scopes so not too much to worry about but the CoolWedge is definitely a step up.

Need to get a Quark to go in there too 🤣

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9 hours ago, Stu said:

Nice! I’ve heard of people using the 1.25” wedges in large scopes so not too much to worry about but the CoolWedge is definitely a step up.

Need to get a Quark to go in there too 🤣

Thank you? Nothing like helping my future spending….. 🤣

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13 hours ago, Alan White said:

Yes, just collected it today. See the Postman thread for images etc.
Quick peak in WL with the 1.25 Lunt wedge,was quick as far too small a heat dissipation for the scope size,
Its stunning, so the 2” wedge should sing.

Nice Alan! First view I ever had through a Herschel wedge was with a 152mm F/5.9 - Altair I think. It should really shine in early morning and late evening, when atmosphere is steadiest, and lets you go above 200x. 

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6 hours ago, Highburymark said:

Nice Alan! First view I ever had through a Herschel wedge was with a 152mm F/5.9 - Altair I think. It should really shine in early morning and late evening, when atmosphere is steadiest, and lets you go above 200x. 

Should also cut down on thermal build-up if using a 1.25" wedge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’m pleased to say a unit of the Mark II has come back into stock so I should get it for the weekend. Looks like there might be some sunshine too.

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The Wedge duly arrived today I’m pleased to say, thanks FLO for sorting it out for me as quickly as stock would allow. Having received a refund, I confess the finances are under a little strain after the Tak purchase too, but they will recover in time.

So, here are a few somewhat rushed shots of the unboxing and adding of the polarising filter plus the T2 adaptor which allows for the shortened light path. I’ve added back on a 2” ClickLock which has a T2 thread so I can use it normally, or remove the ClickLock and attach the binoviewers directly if using with my Vixen FL102S for example.

I’m delighted to say that this unit is exactly how it is supposed to be; the filters are fitted correctly and the brightness adjustment lever works perfectly. So, it was just a glitch in the Baader matrix, normal service has been resumed 👍.

The one oddity remains that one page of the manual is inserted the wrong way round so you get a couple of pages of German in the English bit and vice versa. It is a little confusing but easy enough to correct by removing the staples and sorting it out. It does help the flow once you do though!

So, bring on some sunshine this weekend so I can give it a go. I’ll attempt a comparison with the Mark I. In theory the only difference will be in the narrower bandpass Continuum but being able to adjust brightness with my binoviewers will also be very useful I suspect.

Oh, and yes I did clean the polarising filter before assembling it all! It got dusty with a finger mark on it whilst trying to get the last wedge to work 🤪












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Lovely Stu. Really hope it delivers. Bet someone at the printers copped it from Baader HQ when that consignment of manuals first arrived 🤬
I’ve been playing around with an alternative polarising option with my Ha scope and binoviewers. This followed a thread on CN which suggested two polarising filters on top of the eyepieces produced good results (for Ha that is). I’ve never been impressed with polarisers for any solar viewing, but I concocted makeshift adapters for my TV 32mm Plossls (see pics) as I had a few polarisers lying around, and I must say it does highlight background Ha surface detail slightly better. 
Back to WL - it will be interesting to hear how the new Continuum performs. Perhaps it might show more of a difference on faster scopes (your Vixen?) or achromats than the FC-100? Look forward to hearing your views. 



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2 hours ago, Stu said:

The Wedge duly arrived today I’m pleased to say, thanks FLO for sorting it out for me as quickly as stock would allow. Having received a refund, I confess the finances are under a little strain after the Tak purchase too, but they will recover in time.

So, here are a few somewhat rushed shots of the unboxing and adding of the polarising filter plus the T2 adaptor which allows for the shortened light path. I’ve added back on a 2” ClickLock which has a T2 thread so I can use it normally, or remove the ClickLock and attach the binoviewers directly if using with my Vixen FL102S for example.

I’m delighted to say that this unit is exactly how it is supposed to be; the filters are fitted correctly and the brightness adjustment lever works perfectly. So, it was just a glitch in the Baader matrix, normal service has been resumed 👍.

The one oddity remains that one page of the manual is inserted the wrong way round so you get a couple of pages of German in the English bit and vice versa. It is a little confusing but easy enough to correct by removing the staples and sorting it out. It does help the flow once you do though!

So, bring on some sunshine this weekend so I can give it a go. I’ll attempt a comparison with the Mark I. In theory the only difference will be in the narrower bandpass Continuum but being able to adjust brightness with my binoviewers will also be very useful I suspect.

Oh, and yes I did clean the polarising filter before assembling it all! It got dusty with a finger mark on it whilst trying to get the last wedge to work 🤪












Glad it’s arrived - there was I thinking you’d kicked the idea into the long grass.

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