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Not so magic Wizard NGC 7380


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EDIT: Jump to the bottom for a reprocessed version



Excuses first, NGC 7380 was NE from the location and started 28 degrees above the horizon in the Helsinki light dome, so seeing was abysmal to start but slowly improved (had been the warmest day of the year so far, ie above freezing :) ). Had the usual mount and guide disconnect three times but got a couple of hours in.

Got to meet Mr Onikken from the 'hood, a good guy and a pleasure to chat astro for a few hours. Hyvaa Paivaa Oskari!

The location is very nice in the rural country SW of Hel, plenty of deer roaming, owls, and foxes. Had a surprise coming round a blind corner to have two large deer with full antlers in the road. 

Gotta work on my processing. Wonder where the Oiii is? (Antlia ALP-T)


AP Final Wizard HaOiii-1.jpg

Edited by 900SL
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Likewise, nice to meet other astro people in this niche hobby of ours! The seeing really did us dirty that night so its not too bad an image considering that. Last night was clear too but it was more of the same which is seismograph guiding and 4-5'' fwhm stars so you missed nothing in case you were wondering if its worth the effort to travel for imaging. Pretty sure its the warm days that do this to the seeing as have not had it this bad for the whole season.

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I was not feeling too good, think I had sinus infection :) Might try Saturday if forecast OK Oskari


It is amazing the difference processing can make. I gave the stacked fits file to a friend, the talented Mr Bakry Abdullah over in KSA and he managed to wrangle this out of it (compressed Jpeg but way better than my efforts)


He found the Oiii :)





Edited by 900SL
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