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SGL 2023 Challenge 1 - Walking on the Moon

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With this challenge we were looking for images that made you feel you were actually almost there on the lunar surface.  Our lunar imagers did not disappoint and the standard was very high.

1) Astrovani - Moretus


This feels very close and has a wonderful 3d feel.  Superb

2) Peter Presland - Humboltianum

2023.02.26 19.16 Mare Humboldtianum.png

Peter made great use of a favourable libration to capture this challenging crater in its entirety.  Excellent work!

3) Astroscot - Baco - Scott South Pole Moon

Baco - Scott south pole.png

Astroscot2 picked the perfect time to image this area of the moon the terminator right where you want it to be.  A wonderful contrasty image

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First of all I want to say that I feel honored to be one of the chosen ones, I want to congratulate my colleague Peter and Astroscot for having their images chosen, they really are very good.
Secondly, I would like to make a confession: Of all the photos I sent, I personally thought that Moretus was the photo that best fit this challenge, the feeling of landing and then being able to walk to the horizon between Mounts M4 and M5 is very accentuated. In addition, it transmits a very evident 3D sensation, as has been well commented. below the same photo showing the position of mounts M4 and M5.


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