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Stu's tip of the day - how to make your own flat covers


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Perhaps like me you've been using a t-shirt or something and draping over OTA for flat ? I started using an LCD panel, but went back to basics - tshirt seemed to do a better job.

But - you need to sort of stretch it over end,make sure no crinkles and keep it there manually while shooting them.

Instead make yer own for a few quid!

You will need:

1. embroidery hoop(s) of the right size. A bit 14" one like here is about 8 quid and I need that for the big 300pds, but for about a tenner you can get a whole set from small to 12".


2. a polyster microfibre type bedsheet. something with very fine thread. I used this:


3. a pair of scissors.


First cut a square of material out a bit bigger than the hoop.


You will notice the hoop is in two parts. take off the outside part, and then place the inner hoop over your bit of material



now, turn it over, and push the outer hoop over, clamping the material in the middle:


Now all you need to do is pull it tight gently all the way around to get it taught, with no creases.



Finally, trim the excess material off.



you can now just plonk this over your OTA to take flats. and when eventually the cloth gets dirty, it takes 5 mins to cut a new bit out and fit it.

You can do a whole set of OTAs for 20 quid.



Edited by powerlord
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