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Clear sky confession

Alan White

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Last night when I got up for a nocturnal visit to the bathroom about 2am, 
I looked out and it was fairly clear.

For a moment I thought let’s go observe….
Then the warm bed called and I went back to the land of zzzzzz

Now regretting my call as it’s cloudy again this morning, typical 

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On Thursday night my imaging session was regularly interrupted by passing cloud. After the third lot I gave up and shut everything down. After locking up I looked up and of course it was crystal clear, an inky black sky and a distinct Milky Way visible. I’m ashamed to say I went to bed cursing the UK weather.


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Sometimes you just can't be bothered. Think it's been a month now for me, last week there was potential for a good AP run but clouds wouldn't disappear until around 11 and I refuse to setup unless there's a clear few hours forecast, so I thought leave it. All the while my target is mocking me as it slowly drifts out of altitude.

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Im not a late night imager, if it isnt going to be clear from sun set then I wont set up. I cant stand being up to late love my bed to much! but recently as age has crept up on me I have been visiting the bathroom more often in the night and popping my head outside  only to see clear skies when before I went to bed it was just clag! I think I should find another hobby!

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I left my rig pre setup in the hope I could get at least two more 1 hour sessions to finish a target (needs to be at a specific time which further exasperates the issue). Nope. Weather's been awful this year so I packed it all away.

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