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Rosette nebula

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Hi all, one of my favourite nebulas and still relatively high this is 6.5 hrs of 5 min subs on the rosette nebula. Imaging time was pretty poor throughout February so I'm quite pleased I got this one finished last night. Image was stacked in APP, processed in pixinsight with all the latest stuff and finished off in photoshop ( still love photoshop for selective colour ). 

Cheers Paul


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Nice image Paul, great vibrant colours. Couldnt help but notice the brighter corners as if flat frames havent quite worked. Pleased to hear someone else still likes Photoshop :) You cant beat its finesse and real time viewing when processing.


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6 hours ago, CCD Imager said:

Nice image Paul, great vibrant colours. Couldnt help but notice the brighter corners as if flat frames havent quite worked. Pleased to hear someone else still likes Photoshop :) You cant beat its finesse and real time viewing when processing.


Thanks Adrian, yes I agree on the corners and I'm sure you're right about the flats. In fact I remember on the last session the flats were way brighter than normal. 👍

Cheers Paul 

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6 hours ago, Elbasso said:

That's a very nice image Paul.

Could you share a few details around the gear and settings used?



Thanks Bastiaan.

The gear I used was :- 

Scope - Star travel  500 mm refractor

Camera - Zwo 294 mc pro with a gain of 120

Filter - Optolong L extreme filter

Mount - Skywatcher eq 3pro 

Cheers Paul

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