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IKEA Flats panel...


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Thought I'd share my recently completed flats panel with you all.



It was super cheap, using a number 10p off-cuts from my local hardware store for the timber plus a rummage in the scraps bin for the hardwood to make the lid locator.


I already had the magnets that hold it together, but again these are cheaply purchased online.


The cheap A4 tracing panel was £16 from Amazon and I used a little spare draft sealing tape around the inside of the opening so it will friction fit to the dewshield.  I added a panel of frosted perspex to increase diffusion a little too.

Unfortunately the light panel leaked loads of light from the back that creaped out of the thin edges, so I ended up sealing it all in with some aluminium tape left over from our renovations.


Won't be able to test properly until I'm up at Kielder next week, but the brightness is adjustable and I always have the option of adding in some sheets of paper. 

Bit of an overkill I know, but hope you like this crossover with my other hobby of making things out of wood.


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