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Autostakkert or dodgy camera?

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Hi all,

Just taken a 3 minute video of the moon and I can see the bayer or pixels (not sure which) clearly in the raw video. After stacking and zooming its making it worse. Have I schooled this or do I have a dodgy camera its new out the box today?

Autostakkert raw video frame and stacked open in PI and zoomed in





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Autostakkert is a very simple program to use as it only stacks the video images, not a lot to go wrong there in my opinion. Just ensure you select a good cut off point on the graph and a reasonable, say 20 points, for the “select AP Grid”.

What program did you use to make the video?

I think it more likely that errors were made in the video program, especially as you say that you can see it in the raw video. I use FireCapture and there are a number of settings that if not used correctly will result in images such as the one you have shown. 
I’m pretty sure your camera is blameless.

Good luck.

Edited by Moonshed
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2 minutes ago, Moonshed said:

What program did you use to make the video?

Autostakkert is a very simple program to use as it only stacks the video images, not a lot to go wrong there in my opinion, just ensure you select a good cut off point on the graph and a reasonable, say 20 points, for the “select AP Grid”.

I think it more likely that errors were made in the video program, I use FireCapture, because there are a number of settings that if not used correctly will result in images such as the one you have shown. 
I’m pretty sure your camera is blameless.

Good luck.

Hi Moonshed

I used the ASI pro on video mode I think it was 720p and outputs an avi file. I’ll try the ZWO FB forums as looking at the three videos I have captured I see this pattern in all of them. When I view the video in just windows player I see it but not so apparent 


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