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The Christmas Tree Nebula (NGC2264)

Space Oddities

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Hello !

I finally had the time to process the few hours worth of OIII data and blend them with the Ha data I already had. I wasn't expecting anything fancy, the OIII was very noisy (there was an almost full Moon at that time).

It took me a few hours of work in Pixinsight, to get everything out of the data. I'm still learning how to use PixInsight, but I managed to find a good working base for the HOO image:


// R:

// G:

// B:

With this base, I used the curves adjustments to balance the colors and make the blue pop. I then tweaked the saturation, the noise and the details. For the stars, I recreated an RGB image with the stars I extracted using PixelMath. I found a formula that recreates blue and yellow stars, by mixing the channels. HOO stars are usually colorless, which is a pity.

As soon as I added the stars back into the image, it really started to look like something! I didn't expect this result at all, but I'm overall impressed by these Astrodon 3nm filters. They're really something!




Ha starless:


OIII starless:


HOO starless:



ASI1600MM, WhiteCat 51, Astrodon Ha 3nm, Astrodon OIII 3nm 

Ha : 31x600s (5h10), Gain 139, Bin 1, -10°C

OIII : 30x600s (5h00), Gain 139, Bin 1, -10°C

DeekSkyStacker, Pixinsight, NoiseXTerminator, BlurXTerminato


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