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Ha Newbie: Quark or PST?


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3 minutes ago, Carbon Brush said:

The reason I use the Solarquest is convenience. I could use any other mount. This is my typical use.

Take the scope out early morning, look for a while.
Go and make a cuppa. Wait for cloud to pass. Pull some weeds. Wash the car. Fetch a different lens, etc.
Every time I return to the scope between other activities, the sun is still in view.
No need to mess around finding it again.

Then later in the day when a tree or house creates shade, just pick up everything in one go and move across the garden.
Reset the Solarquest and in a couple of minutes it is back in sync.

If you do any public/outreach a Solarquest comes in really handy. Just talk about something while it is sorting itself out.


All well and good but maybe the OP has a cost issue with that mount thats why I mentioned it !  There is nothing to refinding the sun at any time using a searcher / finder, just a bit of laziness, me I enjoy playing around with that type of mount incl. the convenience.

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6 minutes ago, LDW1 said:

All well and good but maybe the OP has a cost issue with that mount thats why I mentioned it !

The Solarquest mount looks pretty neat in the way it finds the Sun and as said, would be great for outreach, but I've already got several mounts. My Vixen StarBook1 has a Solar tracking rate option with the Advanced Polaris GEM which I'd probably use with such a small scope.

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I have owned both the PST and the 60mm pressure tuned Lunt (stupidly sold the Lunt years ago) but have recently ordered a new one. One thing I should mention about the PST is the horrid customer service from Meade, I was never able to coax a response from their people no matter how many emails or calls I sent. This may be an issue when trying to resolve issues if any with the PST. Lunt by contrast were superb when it comes to customer service, I believe you are much better off with a Lunt 40 or 50 would be ideal if you can save up some more, the Lunt 50 is a significant upgrade when it comes to what accessories are available and it's future proof qualities. That being said, if a 40mm is what you're looking for, there is no doubt in my mind I would choose the Lunt. Unfortunately I have never used a Quark, I do hear they provide spectacular views and I was seriously considering one but I ran into too many cases in forums where they had to be exchanged (sometimes more than once) before a good one was delivered. This past summer I saw a fellow with a Quark near my tent at a star party and I asked if I could look through it. He set it up but unfortunately I had to leave after waiting fifteen minutes while he fiddled with it, he seemed a little frustrated by the LED light never being the right color and when he turned the knob it caused further delay. I'm not so sure It's a grab and go affair, that Quark.

Edited by Sunshine
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44 minutes ago, Franklin said:

The Solarquest mount looks pretty neat in the way it finds the Sun and as said, would be great for outreach, but I've already got several mounts. My Vixen StarBook1 has a Solar tracking rate option with the Advanced Polaris GEM which I'd probably use with such a small scope.

Thats all you need !

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Lunt prices are ridiculous in the UK, you could also say the same about Coronado Solarmaxes. I can't justify it myself because I wouldn't use it that often, rather put it towards a Tak or something.

So initially I went with a used PST, not too difficult to distinguish which type to buy. Generally look for one +100K serial number, the objective should be a bluish colour, not the older brown/red which were prone to the "rusting" effect. The blue ones don't "rust" but they moved the ha/erf filter into the bottom of the eyepiece holder just after the pentaprism (you can see the bottom of it if you open the side of the pentaprism box and look up at it), it's a blue/green/silver colour depending on your view of it, check there's no yellowing or mould like pattern on it. They're quite cheap to replace (£100+/- odd depending if you get them from Maier USA or Beloptik EU). Any PST owner worth their salt will be able to tell you all about it and how it's put together, how it works and what they've done to improve their experience with it. If they don't offer anything, they haven't used it well.

Regarding mount, azgti works fine, tracks for hours with little adjustment needed, plonk onto any decent photo tripod. Truly a one handed lift light solution.

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2 minutes ago, Elp said:

Lunt prices are ridiculous in the UK, you could also say the same about Coronado Solarmaxes. I can't justify it myself because I wouldn't use it that often, rather put it towards a Tak or something.

So initially I went with a used PST, not too difficult to distinguish which type to buy. Generally look for one +100K serial number, the objective should be a bluish colour, not the older brown/red which were prone to the "rusting" effect. The blue ones don't "rust" but they moved the ha/erf filter into the bottom of the eyepiece holder just after the pentaprism (you can see the bottom of it if you open the side of the pentaprism box and look up at it), it's a blue/green/silver colour depending on your view of it, check there's no yellowing or mould like pattern on it. They're quite cheap to replace (£100+/- odd depending if you get them from Maier USA or Beloptik EU). Any PST owner worth their salt will be able to tell you all about it and how it's put together, how it works and what they've done to improve their experience with it. If they don't offer anything, they haven't used it well.

Regarding mount, azgti works fine, tracks for hours with little adjustment needed, plonk onto any decent photo tripod. Truly a one handed lift light solution.

If you are hundreds of km away it is pretty hard to confirm what you are being told, how many PST users know the intimate workings of that scope to be able to tell a buyer ??  Nite time scopes are not usually a problem but something like a PST might be (sometimes) ! I am sure the OP knows the hazards. Research is the key ?

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As with buying anything used, you buy the buyer, not so much the item. A genuine person will know their product and speak about it with passion, a quiet one will usually have things to hide. As with anything, use your common sense and do your research prior as you'll be more knowledgeable when talking to a seller, and may even catch them out if they're speaking waffle, you'll find this happens an awful lot in any normal shop where a salesperson is trying to sell you something.

Edited by Elp
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Thanks for all the advice guys, I've seen a few secondhand solarscopes up at the moment, namely the LS50, Solarscout and PST, and although there is quite a saving I think I'm leaning toward a new, off the shelf product. That way I'll get some warranty and the peace of mind that it's all safe and good to go.

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3 minutes ago, Franklin said:

Thanks for all the advice guys, I've seen a few secondhand solarscopes up at the moment, namely the LS50, Solarscout and PST, and although there is quite a saving I think I'm leaning toward a new, off the shelf product. That way I'll get some warranty and the peace of mind that it's all safe and good to go.

From the mouth of the solar experts that I have noted, Lunt solar products are more reliable, more consistent than the other brands and their prices are as competative for what you get. My rather extensive research pointed me in their direction as did my wallet, lol !  When you look at them, handle them you will quickly note they are a well built scope and the views will confirm it.   PS:  And I don't work for them, lol !

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The Practical Astronomy Show in Kettering is only a couple of weeks away.
Why not have a chat with a few retailers at the show?
Pre-covid time at this show I talked to a couple of retailers and an expert who was wandering around.
Not letting on I had already emptied my piggy bank on the LS60😏
Their comments made me realise some sellers just want your plastic. Others want you to think before spending.
I'm not going to names the names on open forum - the discussions about PST vs Quark vs Lunt vs Coronado then mounts are enough🤣
Importantly, I came away thinking I had chosen wisely.

Good luck with the searching.


PS. One last comment.
My LS60 had a feathertouch focus added by the previous owner. The original was left in the box of bits.
Chalk and cheese are words for comparison!

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