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First Attempt at Comet Imaging

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Never again!!! (until the next one 😀 - not ashamed to admit that I was as giddy as a child at Christmas when the first sub came though!) 

I did a bit of read up beforehand, which made capture surprisingly straightforward, but it was sooo difficult to process - this sums up my experience quite well:

Ok so after you do the Darks/Flats thing you align everything, then  integrate that. But you still have a fuzzy comet spot, so you also have to  run Comet Alignment, then stack

I still have some artifacts from the star clean up process of the comet aligned image, but this is about as good as I can do right now.

Captured on 31/01/2023, 19:53 - 22:33, under an 80% moon. 70 x 30s subs (each) in LRGB. This is an LRGB comet, with RGB stars. Processed in PI.

C&C welcome!


Edited by The Lazy Astronomer
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Your image and summary of how processing this comet made you feel, perfectly matches how I felt. Being my first also, I was full of joy watching the subs APT was bringing in. In my head I could see the image I was expecting,  Then came the processing and a whole new world of tools and techniques. 

Like you, i found my way in the end. I had produced an image which I originally thought wasn't good enough, but have now realised I did a pretty good job, by comparison yours is far better. Its well framed, nice coma colour, sharp stars with no trails and a nice long ion tail. A superb job I would say, well done. 

As frustrating as processing this comet was, im eagerly awaiting the next. 

Clear skies


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Lovely image but I actually laughed out loud when I saw the captioned images well before I scrolled down to the comet image, which I thought was therefore going to be a horror show. But quite the opposite … very nice.


Edited by Captain Scarlet
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On 19/02/2023 at 18:23, Enceladus Dan said:

Your image and summary of how processing this comet made you feel, perfectly matches how I felt. Being my first also, I was full of joy watching the subs APT was bringing in. In my head I could see the image I was expecting,  Then came the processing and a whole new world of tools and techniques.

I think there's probably a lot of people who have shared the same comet experience, they ain't easy things to deal with, that's for sure!

On 19/02/2023 at 18:23, Enceladus Dan said:

Like you, i found my way in the end. I had produced an image which I originally thought wasn't good enough, but have now realised I did a pretty good job, by comparison yours is far better. Its well framed, nice coma colour, sharp stars with no trails and a nice long ion tail. A superb job I would say, well done. 

Thanks for your comments, really appreciated - that ion tail still had something to give I feel, but my exposure just wasn't deep enough to really do it justice. Never fully happy 😆

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