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Arp 80 group and IFN


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Imaged with Paul Kummer.

Halton Arp was the second most famous astronomer to doubt that Hubble's redshift-distance relation indicated an expanding universe. The most famous was Hubble.  Arp's catalogue of galaxies was part of his one man campaign to unseat the established redshift-distance theory. Here Paul took the RASA away from its usual territory and into galaxies at around 100 million LY. See what you think. True to form, it also found some nice IFN around the Arp 80 group.

This is image four of our crazy week. Sorry!

High res more or less essential for this one:  https://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Galaxies/i-NjWhSPV/A





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4 hours ago, ollypenrice said:

Imaged with Paul Kummer.

Halton Arp was the second most famous astronomer to doubt that Hubble's redshift-distance relation indicated an expanding universe. The most famous was Hubble.  Arp's catalogue of galaxies was part of his one man campaign to unseat the established redshift-distance theory. Here Paul took the RASA away from its usual territory and into galaxies at around 100 million LY. See what you think. True to form, it also found some nice IFN around the Arp 80 group.

This is image four of our crazy week. Sorry!

High res more or less essential for this one:  https://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Galaxies/i-NjWhSPV/A





This is an exceptional image. Very well done!

Could you plz share some details regarding capture time, exposures and filters? I would love to add this one in my to-go list. Although I’m based in the UK and not sure if this is a southern target.

Edited by George Sinanis
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Nice to see off the beaten path targets, and great job with the IFN!

I accidentally found IFN here in this exact same field of view when searching for a high declination target to shoot with a non-cooperative mount. Swore to finish that project but never did for some reason. I think i put up to around 10 hours on it in 2021, mostly from not so great skies though and back then for sure did not know how to deal with the data (still dont, but now i know the extent to how i dont 😉). How much time did this take with the RASA? Thinking of maybe continuing where i left off, would be a shame to let the gigabytes go to waste.

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10 hours ago, George Sinanis said:

This is an exceptional image. Very well done!

Could you plz share some details regarding capture time, exposures and filters? I would love to add this one in my to-go list. Although I’m based in the UK and not sure if this is a southern target.


7 hours ago, ONIKKINEN said:

How much time did this take with the RASA? Thinking of maybe continuing where i left off, would be a shame to let the gigabytes go to waste.

Three hours and three minutes in the RASA/ASI2600. 61x3 mins. Crazy. The only filters were those of the Bayer matrix on the chip.  I have a very dark site, sometimes recording SQM22.


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That is an extraordinary image Olly, especially for all the IFN you caught in this area. Exciting structures. It would be interesting to know how far away that IFN is and, therefore, how big these structures are.

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17 minutes ago, tomato said:

An amazing result for 3 hrs integration. However, @George Sinanis, thanks to modern sensitive CMOS cameras and processing software advances, you can capture IFN from the UK under poor conditions, you just need a reasonable aperture and longer integration times.


The longest ota I have is the 90mm/435mm ED triplet + 2600mc. I will give it a go with only the LPro filter and see what I can get for 8-10 hours. Sorry Olly for high jacking your thread. I will stop now 😇

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2 hours ago, Catanonia said:

@ollypenrice Lovely image and great to see you pushing the RASA out of its comfort zone. 

Added this to my "To Try" list :)

I've been meaning to PM you for a while, Steve. When we first started with the RASA I was persuaded that it was a widefield instrument but not one likely to reach its theoretical resolution. I said this on one of your posts. I now think I was wrong about this: it is resolving fine detail at a level I truly never expected. Most impressive.


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