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Phone adapter

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I’ve moved your post to the Smartphone imaging section where it should get more comment.

I am primarily a visual observer, and do not want all the hassle of an AP setup. I regularly use a smartphone to capture records of what I have seen. With skill and practice, plus more complex processing, Smartphones can achieve quite amazing results.

I guess I’m saying, it doesn’t have to be a choice, so what you find most enjoyable. The one thing I would say though, is that on a FB Smartphone AstroImaging group I administer, many people start off trying to use their phone to image before building up a base of observing experience. They think they will see things much better with a phone than with their eye. They do not have a base understanding of how objects look, their size and brightness, what eyepieces to use and how to focus. Despite the group’s intention, I ALWAYS encourage members to spend time observing and to improve their skills.

What I’m saying is that being a good visual observer will certainly help you obtain good results with a phone.

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It depends on what you are trying to do. I use my phone to help record my observations. I rarely start out to take an image, but will sometimes take a snap(s) towards the end, just before I pack up. However, I’m certainly not always taking images and I don’t spend long doing it. Fiddling around with a smartphone with its bright screen will spoil your dark adaptation. Eg I can spend several hours observing. But if I do decide to take some images it’ll only take around 15 minutes, often less. 

I also find it interesting to see what the device sitting in my pocket can do. And afterwards, on those far too many cloudy nights or on the train etc. I’ll have a go at processing some of the pictures I’ve taken. 

Here are a couple of examples (iPad snapshots). One recent & one not so resent. This is for an iPhone but I’m sure other phones can do similar. You can add a Caption of text that has no character limit. So I can add a whole observation report. The image isn’t always of a target(s) as in the second example. Tapping on the “i” icon reveals the text/description/report. This all syncs with my other devices like my iPad. I’ve also got these in a shared folder so that I can share them with my daughter. The text in the Caption is fully searchable. Eg I can search for “Jupiter” and all my Jupiter sessions that I’ve recorded come up. I find it really useful on a number of levels and it helps, doesn’t hinder, my observations.





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If you do get one, be warned that cheap ones (I'm my experience) need you to be an octopus so that your can hold it steady in two planes while tightening the screws. 

On this basis I bought a Celestron NeXYZ, which has slow motion screws that make it easier to make fine adjustments while the phone is mounted in place.

I'd say it's ok for the moon and some planets, but still needs care to get good results.

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The one I use cost £9.50 and I can put it on and off the eyepiece in the dark. Fits my StarGuiders like a glove. No screws as it twists onto the eyepiece bang on centre every time. No need for fine adjustment controls - it just works as is.

I know that some love it but I tried a Celestron NeXYZ but found that it wasn’t for me - far too heavy, over engineered and would sag. 

For the moon and solar I often don’t use an adapter and just point the camera down the eyepiece. Takes a little practice but the results for me have been good.


Edited by PeterStudz
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Hello Stanneman and welcome to the site.  

I  enjoy sharing what I have seen and the family enjoy looking at my very poor shots, so my thoughts are snap away. A word of warning though, once you start, you will want a better picture so starts your journey down that rabbit hole :D

I  bought a device similar to Peterstudz holder but it didn't work for me as the thing just fell off the eyepiece so I bought one of these and it works quite well. All the best.



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For sure it’ll depend on your favourite eyepiece(s). And I do have to remove the eyecup on the StarGuiders (which for these is easy). But once on it requires some force to pull off! 

When/if you buy one it’s worth making sure you purchase from somewhere that can return without issue if it doesn’t work out for you. 

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