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"Which mount" Advice for an idiot that has tied himself in knots reading to many forums and threads.

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Hello Everyone.

So as the subject says I'm looking for some advice/guidance on an appropriate mount. As I've read too many threads and just totally confused myself.

I have a MAK 127 on an AZ3 mount.

What mount would allow me to take pictures of the common solar system objects without trails, and also just fit my camera directly on to it for wide field shots.

I'm only a casual observer and just a beginner level.


Thanks for any replies.


Simon :)



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For camera use I would say the Skywatcher AZ/Gt mount or variant.

The original is Alt/Az so not directly for AP. However the Eq wedge to enable AP is not costly, think mine was around £60-65 from FLO. Will take a camera easily.

Now I suspect a bit better is the one that is dedicated to EQ operation. Looks more compact and again will handle a camera with relative ease. Not sure of the cost of the EQ version. Reasonable I think but also unsure if they are actually easily available yet. They were not when I looked last. Hence I bought the Eq wedge item.

Doubt either will easily handle a 127 Mak for AP. Sort of pushing your luck a bit.

That is likely the least cost entry, and should keep you occupied. AP can be a bottomless pit in money terms.

Where are you, as in add a location. Often helps.

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Hi and welcome to SGL.

If you want to shoot planets and the moon, and do it properly - literally any mount will do - even that AZ3.

Trick is to use very short exposures. You need to use short exposures for planets as they are bright, and that will stop any trailing as a bonus. Only drawback is that you'll have to adjust telescope pointing every few seconds to track the object.

In order to avoid this - people use simple tracking mounts. This will also help with second thing that you have planned - that is to take long exposure images with camera and lens (if I understood you correctly).

There are two solutions that come to mind.

1. EQ3 with RA motor:


mount itself is not driven, and you need to attach at least RA motor to it, for it to be able to track the sky. There are ready made solutions, but you can also DIY one.


Or you can upgrade to dual motor drive if you want to add tracking.

2. AzGTI in EQ mode.

AzGTI is nice little alt azimuth mount that can be converted to equatorial mode by adding a wedge and counterweight bar (and flashing official firmware that supports both modes of operation) - many people have converted theirs and use them for imaging.



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3 hours ago, 1200Si said:

What mount would allow me to take pictures of the common solar system objects without trails, and also just fit my camera directly on to it for wide field shots.

EQ-5 Synscan. Expensive, but substantial, and you can use it for lots of varied tasks. 

An alt-azimuth GoTo mount is adequate for planetary imaging with a 127mm Mak, while the Mak is of very limited use for deep-sky imaging where you'd want an equatorial mount and a wider field of view..

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Not an idiot by any stretch, huge amount of info and options out there. I spend many an hour pondering options for every purchase and I'm sure other do too.

For ease of use AZ-GTi gets my vote, providing your not using a bit heavy DSLR it should be fine and for planetary DSLR isn't ideal anyway.

Some good options above too, thinking of longer term in the hobby you may want to get an eq mount, this is fairly new on the market - https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-mounts/sky-watcher-star-adventurer-gti.html which would work with your 127 and small refractors, so another to throw into the mix

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10 minutes ago, 1200Si said:

Thank you for the replies, I'm going to go with the AZ-GTi option, at  look at the EQ mod and wedge option.

Check out this thread to see how people are using their:


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