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EL sheet for taking flats

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Hi all

Managed to do some testing of my new EL sheet (http://earlsmann.co.uk/ELPanels.htm) this weekend. The EL sheet was a bit flimsy so I sandwiched it between two pieces of 5mm opal perspex (from ebay). This was a far simpler process than creating a light box and the light intensity seems to stay more consistent as well ;)

SteveL ran the debayered flats through Fitsworks pixel line diagrams (shown below) and they look ok.

The "proof is in the pudding" as they say so we will have to see how they work when applied to some images.

I will be at SGL4 so if anyone wants to have a look they are more than welcome :rolleyes:

Cheers Jon



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You can choose a mains adapter (extra) or a battery box (extra), or a 12v inverter (default, and no extra cost). I emailed Earlsmann to ask a couple of questions, and they wer incredibly quick and helpful.

Yes, i`m going to try an EL sheet flat box again...

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been there, done that, had MAJOR problems getting the C8 + Hyperstar + QHY8 to take subs with a short enough duration. At f/2, it was super silly short subs to stop the subs saturating. Maybe some dark grey perspex between the sheet and the C8? (I tried that, and it did help... a little!)

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Oh, one very important thing to mention here... EL sheets require a high voltage supply to work, and so the invertors kicks out several hundred volts on the output side.

If you plan on using the EL sheets, you REALLY need to be aware of this, and insulate the sheet well in an enclosure of some sort. Getting a kick from this in the dark is not funny.... hell, I got a kick off it in the daylght, and that was bad enough!

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aye, my first EL sheet kind of almost caught fire! I had it sandwiched, but had some foamboard between the two perspex sheet to provide some "give" to the sheet and cables. Well, the the high voltage arcd across one of the inperfections, and carbonised a large section of the foamboard before the invertor went "POOF" and died... after taking it apart to find otu what had happened, I doscovered not only the dead EL sheet and the carbonised foamboard, but also that the arcing had started to melt the inside of the perspex sheet!

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been there, done that, had MAJOR problems getting the C8 + Hyperstar + QHY8 to take subs with a short enough duration. At f/2, it was super silly short subs to stop the subs saturating. Maybe some dark grey perspex between the sheet and the C8? (I tried that, and it did help... a little!)

Im hoping that with a couple of layers of opal perspex, I might be able to diffuse the light enough to get a long enough exposure with the hyperstar ;) Ill give it a test and let you all know :rolleyes:

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There are differences (one would hope) between the 2 mfr.s earlsmann freely admit that their panels aren't quite as high quality as their other products, I wonder if how that translates when rating against the neumann product. I'll just have to wait for those that understand the numbers to explain my hignorance ;)

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SteveL, do you still use the EL sheets for your flats? If so which retailer did you purchase from and if not, why not and how do/did you rate it? I'd be very interested in your take on things....

Ford, The gerd neumann 99eu price is for ohne inverter, without inverter, with inverter its an extra 50eu for 12v 60eu for 220v :/ Hence me asking whether yours came with the inverter in the first place, the earlsmann product is better than 1/2 price. So I'm very intrigued and can't wait to see some results ;)

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My first EL sheet light "box" kind of died, so I built myself a real light box. Its a bit big, having to deal with my C11, so I am looking again at an EL solution (using the same sheet and inverter than Jon has purchased)

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There are possibly advantages in using a higher "quality" product but the differences could be quite small... Color information in the "flats" is ignored by DSS abd the whole idea is to compensate for waht can be quite noticeable difference is illumination across the field so even thought a panel with 10o" flat output would be desierable a few percent variation is still likely to be a hell of a lot better than doing nowt...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I went for it and bought an A4 panel last week, I've been pleased with the results so far, cleaned up my vignetting and dust motes no end, the missing link as it were :) I have mine currently selotaped to the lid of an old motherboard box :) I'll get a couple of sheets of perspex tomorrow.

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