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It passed some time since I updated. I released a version recently.

AstroHopper is a free and open-source web-based application that automates objects finding.

All you need is to align the scope/app on a known star or planet in a proximity of the target you are looking for and the app would lead you to the target using smartphone motion sensors - gyro and accelerometer.  Thanks to the advances in VR/AR technology in latest smartphones the sensors become accurate enough to measure phone/scope movements accurately enough. It can be seen as SSE alternative that converts the scope to "push-to" but it works little bit differently - as you do quick visual alignment instead of plate solving.

This app is very popular in my local community (obviously since such app becomes viral much better in a small community) . On some stargazing parties you can see 1/3-1/2 of dob users navigate using one.

Some of latest updates:

  • Fixed issue with map moving incorrectly on iOS devices prior to first alignment
  • Fixed watch list handling
  • Fixed constellation names position
  • Various documentation updates

Video tutorial Nir Zonshine created for the app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtArqBLWWJ8


  • Thanks 1
  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

Just received some suction cups for my iPhone so I hope to be using astrohopper very soon. It looks great. Thanks! 


Edited by Richard N
  • Like 1

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