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Another visit to M31


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When I started this imaging mularky 17 years ago I managed a very blobby M31 using an 8bit Atik 2HS.  From time to time I've revisited it and every time it's given me a headache but with improving results.  This Autumn I decided to give it a once and for all final effort.  At the same time I was trying to get to grips with NINA.  This wasn't plain sailing and NINA is still work in progress, most of this data was captured with Maxim.

Scope: Tak FSQ 106 with 0.73 reducer

Camera: ZWO ASI 1600mm pro

Filters: Baader LRGB

L - 28x240s  183x300s

RGB 14x300 each channel

Combined using PI weighted batch preprocessing script then mainly PS


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Looks great--nice stars.  TAK has been less than helpful with me.  I use the same scope and camera but with the .6x reducer.  I have sent my scope to TAK 3 times, one of which was to Japan.  They told me "The scope is not designed for small pixels and that is the problem with my stars"   I asked if switching to the reducer you use would help and they said no.  I see your stars are just about perfect except in the upper left, and that could be tilt.   

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39 minutes ago, MartinB said:

Thanks @Rodd  Sorry to hear about your scope issues.  I don't understand the logic about small pixels and wonky stars.  Did you get the scope new?

Yes. New. They seemed to have greatly improved it.  But I only use a asi 1600 size sensor.  Full frame would be bad. I am sure there is some tilt too. It is just shocking to hear their excuse when talking about one of their flag ships—a highly touted and expensive unit. Listening to them you’d think it was junk

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