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Comer C/2022 E3 (ZTF) observing guide

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I had a good look at it this morning at 6am with my 20x80 bins. It's already easy to find - currently 2 degrees northwest of Epsilon CrB and slowly moving north. I estimate the magnitude at 8 and the coma radius at 4'-5'. I didn't see any tail but the transparency was poor. This comet should get better and better in January! 

Edited by Nik271
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A  Boxing Day encounter with Comet C/2022 E3 this morning.  In the 4" refractor it's in the same field as iota, and very easy to see x19 - diffuse and finger nail size. I had a very brief view before the clouds rolled in. A nice comet to view over Christmas and New Year.  Had the bonus of seeing a bright meteor over Leo at 4.51 ☄️

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