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Time for Tv Dioptrx ? What do I need to know ?

Space Hopper

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Let us know how that goes as far as viewing comfort to take in the entire FOV.  I've measured the 27mm Pan to have 14mm of usable eye relief.  I have to push in so hard with eyeglasses to see the entire FOV that in the past I've scratched my eyeglass lens on the exposed eye lens retaining ring.  I was furious.  I retired mine in favor of the 30mm APM UFF.  The Pan might have a bit tighter star images on axis, but that's its only advantage over the UFF that I've found.  Back when I bought the Pan in the late 90s, I was actually shopping for a long eye relief 30mm SWA eyepiece with excellent correction, so it just took about another 20 years for a viable alternative to show up.

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I've  used both glasses and Dioptrx for years. I would say a couple of things... (1) the very best views I've seen included  a Dioptrx in the optical train, it is very good quality (2) Most of the time I use glasses not the Dioptryx, due to the convenience factor, but I wouldn't part with the Dioptrx.

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