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M1 Crab Nebula


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Im hoping to get more out of this but was also hoping for it to be less noisy right from the start!  I got 60X5min subs in each O3, S2, Ha channel, so 5 hours each/15 in total.  The scope was my F4 newt and the camera was my ASI1600mm, maybe Im expecting too much! the sky although clear was not that great, guiding was over 1arc sec all the time and with this settup giving 0.98arcsec/pixel that probably the cause.  Im going to run deconvolution on the individual channels later and give it a proper process, not a 'Im working from home, lets sneak to my laptop and process my image in 30 min' process!


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That's already pretty good detail! 

It's not realistic to expect to resolve detail under 1 arcsecond even with perfect guiding. The seeing will not allow it with 5 minute exposures.

You could try binning the data to improve the SNR, but you probably know that...


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ran the raw linear channels through NoiseXTerminator, then BlurXterminator, then linear fit, then noticed I needed to run ABE on the O3 channel, did that, combined them, stretched them and thats it. Nothing else, wow what a difference!



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