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Blur Xterminator


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Just noticed the excellent Russell Croman has been at it again and has launched a new processing tool Blur Xterminator. Although I haven’t personally used it yet I’ve found his gradient and noise reducing tools to be very good. I find the Topaz sharpening product good to a point but it can produce some quite fantastic phantom artefacts. Hopefully RCastro does away with this phenomenon to a greater degree.

Linky here…. Blur Xterminator

The following sentence is intriguing -

BlurXTerminator can additionally correct for other aberrations present in an image in limited amounts. Among those currently comprehended for most instruments are:

Guiding errors
Primary and secondary coma
Chromatic aberration (color fringing)
Varying star diameter (FWHM) and halos in each color channel

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I watched most of the video posted by Adam Block last night and it looks fantastic. I'll be giving the free 30 day trial a go and will probably get it. If it works anywhere close to as well as noise and star xterminator then it'll be another fantastic bit of software/coding.

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I had a little play yesterday and it made things look better definitely, but you really need to look close to see the difference with my setup (Samyang 135, IMX571 camera). I've attached a before and after (two slightly different processing but very similar other than colours) along with the full size image to show how tight the crop is. I like the result, but I'm not sure if it's worth £100.





Just realised they're different sizes, never mind. You get the idea hopefully!

Edited by Phillyo
I'm an idiot?
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I was interested in BlurXTerminator because my f8 SCT/RC telescopes have large secondary mirrors, with a downside of slightly softening any image. Purchased yesterday for £86 via PP,  I tried the software on some M1 data captured Thursday using my f8 SCT which resulted in a Wow moment others have mentioned.  I have included the before/after Ha image of M1 after running BXT with default settings.

While my initial M1 data is far from perfect, BXT has dramatically improved the possibility of creating a decent image from a night of bad seeing. The level of benefit from running BXT will vary between datasets and will be subtle in certain instances, but it will deliver an improvement. Any imager in Northern Europe needs all the help they can get, so I welcome this positive gain and believe the cost a worthwhile investment considering my overall expenditure in this hobby.  



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