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NGC6992 - Eastern Veil Nebula


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Captured this over two nights back in the summer.  Processed the first night and posted it on here.  Only just got round to processing both nights together.

Capture information
HEQ5 Pro mount
Skywatcher 72ED Refractor
ASI294mc-pro colour camera
Optolong L-Enhance filter
ZWO ASI120mm mini guide scope

Gain 120
EXP 240s
Lights 83
Darks 58
Flats 58
Flat Darks 58

Total exposure time 5 hours 32 minutes

Captured over two nights.  
05-08-2022 Moon below horizon
19-08-2022 Moon 86° 17' 45.7" from Target 51.9% Illuminated

Stacked in DSS and processed in pixinsight

NGC 6992 Uncropped




NGC 6992 Cropped



Edited by Chefgage
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